I've heard rumours about the range at SGL 300 closing down and just to make sure I wrote the PGC and here is what I heard back from them today:

The range at SGL #300 will be closed starting next week for lead remediation. The lead remediation will take about one week to complete. We then have to wait about ten days for lab test results to come in before we start reconstruction and backstop upgrade. The range is scheduled to be reopened before Rep. Staback’s scheduled event on September 20th.

I am not from that area but my parent's have had a place in Susquehanna County for the last 20 years and I recently had a chance to visit the range at SGL 300 and had a very pleasant experience. I think it is one of the best public ranges I've visited and I think the view from up there is pretty neat. Just wanted to give everyone a head's up.