Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Well I'm not much of a Barney Frank fan but this I like:

    The U.S. should stop arresting responsible marijuana users, Rep. Barney Frank said Wednesday, announcing a proposal to end federal penalties for Americans carrying fewer than 100 grams, almost a quarter-pound, of the substance.
    But my favorite line from it is this:

    The vast amount of human activity ought to be none of the government's business
    Now I don't smoke it haven't in 34 years for the simple fact all it ever did was make me hungry and put me to sleep BUT I do have friends that do, and have for many many years. I think if you can legally but a gallon of gin and drink your self into oblivion you should be allowed to smoke a joint or two but I also believe there should be a law for driving while stoned (my brother was killed by a stoned driver).

    Personally I think the laws that waste our police enforcement dollars and crowd our prisons with people that costs us a fortune to house, feed and incarcerate ... its about time to get these stupid laws off the books and free up our law enforcement to solve real crimes. It just STUPID the amount of money we waste trying to lock up people with a few joints!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    I think that if they could come up with a way of testing you when you are driving, like a breathalyer, to see if your high, then that would help them legalize it.

    If you can drink legally. You should be able to smoke legally. I have done both, and drinking got me in trouble a heck of a lot more and made me a heck of a lot more stupid. (Hey, I grew up during the drug revolution in this country. If anyone my age says they didn't party. They are lying, or their mother wouldn't let them out of the house.)

    Just my opinion.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    If they suspect that your smoking pot when your driving and send you for blood work you get a dui. I saw alot of that in fayette county.
    I dont smoke but it being illegal is insane. The goverment just cant find away to regulate it. On a side note if you can find refer maddness watch it. It is a black and white anti pot add. I laughed so hard.
    By the way you can thank a PA native for really pushing the pot laws. His name was harry anslinger, he was from blair county, and was the head of what would later become the DEA.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Just another way for the FedGov to steal your property and wealth.
    "Because I'm an American." - MtnJack

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Although the nonprofit transfer note is interesting, and maybe they think they're just creating a stepping stone to a better US, but just decriminalizing use is really not the right way to go. Is the claim then there is no legitimacy in running a business, on the whim of the US government?

    We don't yet have the EU breathing down our necks so lets not halfass it like the Nederlands. Please.

    (my brother was killed by a stoned driver).
    Could you please forward everything you have on that incident to NORML so we could be better informed on the dangers of marijuana?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Not a smoker, but never saw that much difference between MJ and Camels with a Cabin Still kicker. The only diff. that I see is the law.
    Suprise from the old guy for you young pups(Mtbkski).
    Courage is being scared to death--but saddling up any way. John Wayne

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Driving while high is about as dangerous as driving while smoking tobacco, yet that's not illegal (yet).
    Any mission, any conditions, any foe at any range.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Quote Originally Posted by pex View Post
    Could you please forward everything you have on that incident to NORML so we could be better informed on the dangers of marijuana?
    Sorry that was 27 years ago, finding anything that wasn't what we were told and what my parents might have heard in court would be next to impossible.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something I think they should have done years ago!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmiro View Post
    On a side note if you can find refer maddness watch it. It is a black and white anti pot add. I laughed so hard.
    That is the one where someone beats a family member to death with a cast iron frying pan isn't it.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

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