Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Since we all know Luzerne county is corrupt and full of nepotism at its finest, is it really worth it to open carry. Even though it is totally legal, do you really want to be marked as a gun carrying person? All of NEPA's LEO's are very tight knitted so you will be a person of interest in all of nepa. Personally I would rather be discreet and carry concealed, but if it is that important for you to OC in the local Walmart, you better make sure you have your vehicle inspected and all credentials in order, obey all local speed limits no matter how ridiculously low they are, stop fully at all stop signs, never even have 1 drink and drive, make sure your lawn and bushes are trimmed in order with town ordinance, dont have your dog poop or bark where it shouldnt, dont have recyclables in with your garbage, etc. These small town's can make your life hell.

    I also find it amusing how those whose OC rights are violated think they are going to sue these small hick towns for hundreds of thousands. After lawyer fees, your time and hassle(yeah think about that) and if you win....Maybe you net a thousand?? and thats if you win in Pennsylvania's corrupt court system. Is it really worth it to be hated,marked and watched by all the leo's and town officials from your area?

    I'm not saying they are right, but for me, I would rather stay under the radar rather than show everyone how cool I am carrying a chrome desert eagle buying a quart of milk at walmart.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Yes it is worth it.
    troll Free. It's all in your mind.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Do we really have to go through this again?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC



  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    So what you're saying is that your rights aren't worth fighting for?

    If you don't feel comfortable open carrying, that's your personal choice, and nobody will fault you for that.
    Is it really worth it to be hated,marked and watched by all the leo's and town officials from your area?
    a) That's someone else's personal choice; it's not your call to make.

    b) If the LEOs and town officials are in the wrong, they're in the wrong. Sometimes talking to them and pointing out where they're wrong is all it takes to resolve the issue, other times it very well might take a lawsuit or private criminal complaint to get their attention. In the case of the latter, a few federal civil rights lawsuits will definitely get their attention.

    If I openly carry, I do it because a) I can, b) it's legal, c) sometimes it just a lot more comfortable than trying to shove a big piece of metal down my pants, and d) if it makes some people leave a puddle on the ground, I've got a whole case of Depends sitting in my garage that they can use (from a medical problem a few years back).

    No, I refuse to slink around trying not to upset the applecart. And, if the whole system in Luzerne County is corrupt, what are you doing to resolve that issue? When was the last time you attended a County Commissioner's meeting? Or a Borough or Township meeting? Sometimes one indeed has to "take on City Hall."

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie View Post
    Since we all know Luzerne county is corrupt and full of nepotism at its finest, is it really worth it to open carry. Even though it is totally legal, do you really want to be marked as a gun carrying person? All of NEPA's LEO's are very tight knitted so you will be a person of interest in all of nepa. Personally I would rather be discreet and carry concealed, but if it is that important for you to OC in the local Walmart, you better make sure you have your vehicle inspected and all credentials in order, obey all local speed limits no matter how ridiculously low they are, stop fully at all stop signs, never even have 1 drink and drive, make sure your lawn and bushes are trimmed in order with town ordinance, dont have your dog poop or bark where it shouldnt, dont have recyclables in with your garbage, etc. These small town's can make your life hell.

    I also find it amusing how those whose OC rights are violated think they are going to sue these small hick towns for hundreds of thousands. After lawyer fees, your time and hassle(yeah think about that) and if you win....Maybe you net a thousand?? and thats if you win in Pennsylvania's corrupt court system. Is it really worth it to be hated,marked and watched by all the leo's and town officials from your area?

    I'm not saying they are right, but for me, I would rather stay under the radar rather than show everyone how cool I am carrying a chrome desert eagle buying a quart of milk at walmart.
    First of let me say it is not about looking cool, it is about a basic rights. If you don't use them you loose them. Now let me say just because you choose not to OC does not give you the right to make fun or chastise those of us who do. You come in here with your very first post pointing figures and making insinuations. We have worked very hard and have taken a lot of shit from people for OCing but you know what it is fine, we deal with it becasuse there are close minded people who just don't understand.

    We don't OC looking for a confrontation, I OC cause it very comfortable and gives me very fast access to my gun. It is a chance to show the public that not only bad guys carry guns. When I am out OCing I am captain civil, smiling and holding doors for ladies (which FYI is becoming shovenist, that is for another thread)and just generally being as nice as I can stand it. Gives good exposure to good gun owners exercising their rights peacefully and lawfully. For you to come in here and mock that is just unacceptable.

    Now let me adress this last issue, if you are referring to the Dickson City incident let me say this, they(DCPD) came in broke laws and violated civil rights of honest Americans. Not just second ammendments rights but fourth and a few others also. If anyone violates a person of a "minority" race's rights they sue and every one supports them. Well guess what you violate anyone's rights I don't give a flying donkey fuck if you are purple, white carrying a gun or refusing to move to the back of the bus. If violate the rights of a human you deserve to be punished, unfortunately the only way to punish them is to sue. Not to mention the Dickson city town council acknowledged the happening but basically said it is was ok to violate the rights of honest citizens in the name of "safety". That is illegal and they deserve what ever they get. It is not about money it is about justice and getting people to realize that just because we carry guns and you can see them does not make us dangerous, or any less safe then those who choose to CC their guns.

    Sir are you LEO if you are I would ask that you look through this website. Talk to people and find out just how skewed your point of view is. Just remember this if you don't use your rights you lose them. So we all stop Ocing cause you think it is asinine and it scares the masses, soon they will make us stop CCing , and then finally give up our arms all together. You scoff and say that will never happen, look at the U.K. and Australia. They gave up their rights and now they are fighting to get them back. It is much easier to fight to keep something than it is to fight to get something back you already gave up.
    Last edited by knighthawk06699; July 14th, 2008 at 11:56 AM.

    When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie View Post
    Since we all know Luzerne county is corrupt and full of nepotism at its finest, is it really worth it to open carry. Even though it is totally legal, do you really want to be marked as a gun carrying person? All of NEPA's LEO's are very tight knitted so you will be a person of interest in all of nepa. Personally I would rather be discreet and carry concealed, but if it is that important for you to OC in the local Walmart, you better make sure you have your vehicle inspected and all credentials in order, obey all local speed limits no matter how ridiculously low they are, stop fully at all stop signs, never even have 1 drink and drive, make sure your lawn and bushes are trimmed in order with town ordinance, dont have your dog poop or bark where it shouldnt, dont have recyclables in with your garbage, etc. These small town's can make your life hell.

    I also find it amusing how those whose OC rights are violated think they are going to sue these small hick towns for hundreds of thousands. After lawyer fees, your time and hassle(yeah think about that) and if you win....Maybe you net a thousand?? and thats if you win in Pennsylvania's corrupt court system. Is it really worth it to be hated,marked and watched by all the leo's and town officials from your area?

    I'm not saying they are right, but for me, I would rather stay under the radar rather than show everyone how cool I am carrying a chrome desert eagle buying a quart of milk at walmart.
    Yes, it is worth it. Exercising our rights is worth it.

    Lawsuits are necessary in situations where your rights are violated. Many times LEO's think they are above the law and can do whatever they want. Their job is to protect and serve, not to harass and oppress. Those rogue LEO's need to be reprimanded, and the best way to do that, is with a lawsuit.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    EDIT:: OC is legal. You may not like it but it's legal. Any consequences created by OC are on the police. They should know that OC is legal in PA. End of freaking story.
    Last edited by PisnNapalm; July 14th, 2008 at 08:40 AM.
    Μολὼν λάβε

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Well, I do think you make a good point in that if you go against city hall, expect the powers that be to use that power against you.

    I can tell you that before I open carried the first time, I went down and got a license for my dog, because I knew I was going to carry while walking him. I presumed in an effort to cite me for anything possible, an anti-gun leo would eventually look to dog for possible citations.

    It seems like it's not worth it to you, and so you've made your choice. You play it safe. You would rather go along to get along. Sure it's easier to go that route, but it seems those who are bold about it are more interested in freedom than the easy way. That's why men like Pa. Patriot and Dick Heller are heros, and you are not.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wilkes Barre Area OC

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie View Post
    I'm not saying they are right, but for me, I would rather stay under the radar rather than show everyone how cool I am carrying a chrome desert eagle buying a quart of milk at walmart.
    If you really wanted to stay under the radar, you would not have posted an inflammatory post like this for your introductory post. No, I think rather you are here for the sole purpose of stirring the pot. For all we know, you are a Dickson City cop!

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