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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default GOA Legislative alert

    Please take a moment to read this alert - the bill in question is not benign

    Gun Owners of America Legislative Alert
    -- Oppose McCarthy Gun Control Bill, H.R. 297

    Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
    8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
    Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

    Tuesday, January 23, 2007

    The first major anti-gun bill of the new Congress has already been
    introduced, and it could prove to be the most serious threat to the
    Second Amendment we face under the new congressional leadership.

    On the first full day of the new Congress, anti-gun Rep. Carolyn
    McCarthy introduced H.R. 297, the most massive expansion of the Brady
    law since it passed in 1993. This is a bill you helped kill last
    year, but the new House leadership will be even more eager to pass it
    than were their predecessors.

    This bill provides, in the form of grants, about $1 billion to the
    states to "provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check
    System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited
    from possessing or receiving a firearm under subsection (g) or (n) of
    section 922 of title 18, United States Code, regardless of the
    elapsed time since the disqualifying event."

    Covered under this bill are records pertaining to the Lautenberg
    misdemeanor gun ban, lists of persons under indictment, mental health
    records, records relevant to the identification of illegal aliens and
    other records.

    NICS is the system used by the FBI to conduct a background check
    prior to a firearm sale by a federally licensed gun dealer. Most
    people are aware that NICS records include a list of convicted
    felons, but there are many other categories of persons who are
    prohibited from possessing firearms for which computerized lists may
    not be available. It is these categories that are targeted by this

    For instance, the bill expands upon the unconstitutional Lautenberg
    misdemeanor gun ban [922 (g)(9)]. This gun ban, passed as an
    amendment to a 1996 omnibus spending bill and signed into law by
    President Clinton, was originally introduced by leading anti-gun
    Senators Frank Lautenberg, Dianne Feinstein, and Edward Kennedy.

    Under the Lautenberg ban, people who have committed very minor
    offenses that include pushing, shoving or, in some cases, merely
    yelling at a family member can no longer own a firearm for

    The Lautenberg gun ban should be repealed, not expanded.

    The bill also seeks to computerize records of persons "under
    indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term
    exceeding one year." Such persons, though not even convicted of the
    crime in question, are prohibited from possessing a firearm.

    The gun grabbers are seeking to force the states to provide the
    federal government all of these indictment records, updated
    quarterly. Given the maxim among those in the legal profession that
    prosecutors can get a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich," this,
    too, is a gun prohibition that should be repealed, not expanded.

    Mental health records are also covered under the McCarthy bill.

    This could have a significant impact on American servicemen,
    especially those returning from combat situations and who seek some
    type of psychiatric care. Often, veterans who have suffered from
    post-traumatic stress disorder have been deemed as mentally
    "incompetent" and are prohibited from owning guns under 18 U.S.C.
    922(g)(4). Records of those instances certainly exist, and, in 1999,
    the Department of Veterans Administration turned over 90,000 names of
    veterans to the FBI for inclusion into the NICS background check

    Mental health records can also have a future impact on young people,
    as this country trends closer to mandatory mental health screening
    for students. In a 2003 report by a subcommittee of the President's
    New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, the author states that "The
    problem of emotional disorders in children is large -- 20% of all
    children are affected -- and it seems to be growing." It is unknown
    how these people will be categorized in the future.

    The fact that metal health 'experts,' a notoriously anti-gun
    community, would have a say in who is allowed to possess a firearm
    is, quite frankly, frightening. Many in the profession would just as
    soon consider anyone who owns a gun as 'mentally incompetent.'

    Another sobering thought is how computerized data are often
    mishandled. Consider the disturbing news reports that 25 million
    Social Security number records of veterans were hacked. The more that
    our private data gets added into government computers, the more
    likely we are to have our identity compromised.

    Perhaps the provision that would lead to the greatest number of
    'fishing expeditions' is that related to illegal aliens.

    Federal law prohibits illegal aliens from owning guns. The bill
    requires all relevant data related to who is in this country
    illegally. But what records pertaining to illegal aliens from the
    states would be relevant? Perhaps a better question would be, what
    records are not relevant?

    In order to identify illegal aliens, "relevant" records could allow
    the FBI to demand state tax returns of all citizens, employment
    records, library records (we've already seen how these have been
    deemed relevant to terrorism investigations), DMV and hospital
    records -- all in the name of making sure that you're not an

    The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, is one of the most
    virulent anti-gunners in the entire Congress. Of the 32 cosponsors
    of the bill last year, 31 were GOA "F" rated, one was rated
    These representatives support the bill because it enhances their gun
    control agenda, not because they are concerned about protecting your
    Second Amendment rights.

    Also among the bill's supporters are anti-Second Amendment groups
    like the Brady Campaign and Americans for Gun Safety (AGS). In fact,
    the McCarthy bill is taken point by point from a 2002 ASG "report"
    entitled "How America's Faulty Background Check System Allows
    Criminals to Get Guns."

    This bill was first introduced in 2002 by Rep. McCarthy and Sen.
    Chuck Schumer. It passed out of the House that year, and was only
    defeated by a GOA-supported filibuster by former Sen. Bob Smith
    (R-NH). Since the bill has already been around for several years,
    look for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to put this bill on the fast track as a
    way to thank Sarah Brady and her anti-gun cohorts.

    The Brady law needs to be repealed, not expanded to allow anti-gun
    administrations to find new ways to strip citizens of their Second
    Amendment rights.

    ACTION: Gun Owners of America is the only national pro-gun
    organization opposing the McCarthy bill, so it is imperative that you
    contact your representative immediately. Please take action today
    and spread the word about H.R. 297! We need all the help we can get.

    You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Representative a
    pre-written e-mail message. And, you can call your Representative
    toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

    ---- Pre-written letter to your Representative ----

    Dear Representative:

    Gun Owners of America has told me that anti-gun Rep. Carolyn McCarthy
    is trying to expand the Brady Law via H.R. 297. Well, on behalf of
    those millions of Americans who:

    * have had their gun purchases held up by the Brady background check
    system for no apparent reason;

    * know of people who have been targets of stalkers or abusive
    husbands -- and were killed (or simply forced to live in fear) while
    some bureaucrat in West Virginia fumbled around with their lives;

    * have tried to buy a gun when the NICS system was shut down
    completely -- thereby blocking gun purchases nationally;

    * are just curious why the Brady Instant Check -- which was billed as
    "the gun control bill that would stop future calls for gun control"
    -- almost immediately became a stepping stone for gun control bills
    dealing with gun show background checks, private sale background
    checks, and more personal information for the NICS registration

    * are wondering why the FBI brags about the number of sales blocked
    by the Brady check, but can produce no data showing that the Instant
    check system has any relation to crime reduction;

    * are struck by the fact that the anti-gun Clinton administration
    tried to use the system -- without further legislation -- to impose
    onerous fees and to retain records forever; and

    * are wondering why the folks responsible for Waco and Ruby Ridge
    should be put in charge of determining whether or not I can have a
    gun --

    I would ask you to oppose H.R. 297, the anti-gun legislation
    sponsored by liberal Carolyn McCarthy. Thank you.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Philly area, Pennsylvania
    (Chester County)
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    Default Re: GOA Legislative alert

    Not even a month and we start. This is going to be a very long 2-6 years.
    never mind the anti gun amendments that will attach to these bills.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    somewhere, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: GOA Legislative alert

    Quote Originally Posted by Lougotzz View Post
    Not even a month and we start. This is going to be a very long 2-6 years.
    never mind the anti gun amendments that will attach to these bills.
    I hate to say it, but IMHO it's gonna be more like 6 yrs.

    I've said this in other threads, but it seems to me that Bush has so alienated the American people at this point, people are going to come out in droves and vote (D) simply because it's NOT the party that backed Bush. It's because of this reason that we need government reform that makes it easier for third parties to get a foothold. We need alternatives, not the lesser of evils.

    Sorry for the off-topic comment. In any event, I'm going to be looking for ways to muster up the $$$ to buy what I need now. In addition, I will be writing to our US congressmen to voice my opposition.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
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    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
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    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
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    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
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