The Program is to discuss Pennsylvania's Gun Laws

Pro Gun activist Kim Stolfer will be debating Joe Grace the paid anti-gun leader and Executive Director of Ceasefire PA. One of the AG groups that is always lobbying to take your firearms rights away.

The debate is on PCN-TV Monday, May 19, 2008 7:00 PM for a one hour show with viewer call ins to ask questions of guest.

Please call in if possible and ask Joe Grace why firearm violations are routinely plea bargained away and why the mandatory 5 year sentence for using firearms in commission of crimes NOT being used by District Attorneys to keep the criminals off the streets.

If you don’t have cable TV you can watch debate on internet on PCN-TV

If you need some back ground information on Joe Grace or the anti-gun organization.

Read PAFOA post here - - Know your enemy: New professional hired to take your firearms rights away

Make no mistake these AG groups want to disarm you and the rest of the Citizens of PA.

Kim Stolfer

ACSL, Legislative Committee, Chairman

FOAC, Chairman

PSA, Legislative Committee, Vice-Chairman

SAFE, Shooters Active in Firearms Education

NRA Certified Training Counselor

NRA Certified Chief Range Safety Officer

ASLET, American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers

Civilian Associate