Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Philly radio spot

    I have heard a radio commercial almost twice on 92.5 dealing with transferring a gun in PA and how to do it legally. They mention a website, but what I thought was the address apparently wasn't. Has anybody else heard it? It features the Philly DA stating that you can't just give an unwanted gun away, you have to do a legal transfer. If a gun is later used in a crime it could be traced back to the last legal owner. I am curious to see the website, but can't find it. I almost called the DA's office, but on their website they have little posters with a red circle and slash over a pistol and the saying "Guns hate life, LIVE!" I kind of got put off by the fact that learned people are projecting human feelings on an inanimate object.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    It's the gun's fault right? ahh geez... Inanimate objects are incapable of hating.
    Μολὼν λάβε

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    It is posted on many of Septa's downtown buses also. I had to do a double take when I first saw one.

    You have to laugh at the DA's website. As if gangbangers actually get on line and see what the DA has to say.

    The only computers they own are tucked in like a football while running down the street, after they snatch it from a pedestrian or out of a parked car.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    It just amazes me how someone with such and education and position ( in this case the DA ) has all the book learning.. but the common sense of a 2x4.

    Like the person above said... the BG's are NOT going to get onto the website... are NOT going to get the information to get rid of their guns... and are NOT going to do ANYTHING legal. GAWD forbid... they would not look cool to the BRO's.

    And I have yet to find a gun that hates...or loves... or likes chocolate chip cookies.... They are a piece of metal and plastic and various other materials. Thats all.. the same as a car, or boat or house. Maybe thats next... turn in your cars so they dont hurt someone. I have seen alot of them hiding behind trees just waiting to jump out at someone and take their lives.....LOL

    Instead of working to getting stiffer penalties for those who abuse the system they think the easy way is to penalize the innocent, law abiding citizens. Wake up people.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot


    Started in December 2006 as a joint effort by the District Attorney's Office and the Office of the Attorney General. This task force is comprised of veteran police officers and assistant district attorneys with the primary goal of aggressively investigating and prosecuting the sources of illegal firearms used in crimes throughout Philadelphia. To report an illegal handgun, or to have a firearm removed from a property, call the Gun Violence Task Force Hotline at (215) 686-9585.

    The Philadelphia Gun Removal Program

    The Philadelphia Gun Removal Program is a resource to which family and neighbors can turn for assistance in taking guns out of our homes and neighborhoods.

    The Origin of the Program

    The Gun Removal Program is modeled after the highly successful "Consent to Search" program which originated in St. Louis, Missouri. At a community meeting there in 1993, a woman complained to a police supervisor about a problem house in her neighborhood where juveniles were repeatedly seen with guns while the mother was out. When the police supervisor tried to explain how a full investigation would have to be undertaken to obtain a search warrant for the property, the woman replied "Why don't you just go knock on the door and ask the mother if you can search the house?" The Consent to Search program was born.

    Its purpose was to remove illegal firearms, particularly those possessed by juveniles, without seeking criminal prosecution. Residents were informed that by providing a written consent to search, no one in the household would be charged with illegal possession of the firearm.

    Police began to knock on doors identified by the community and ask parental permission to search for illegal weapons. Community response was overwhelming, especially in neighborhoods with high levels of gun violence. 98% of those approached consented to a search of their premises, and guns were found in half of the homes searched. One parent even offered to sign several predated permission forms so that the police could return at random. Another mom wanted to give police a key so that could search while she was at work. The Program was subsequently nominated for a federal award.

    How It Works in Philadelphia

    The Philadelphia program operates in much the same way as its precursor in St. Louis. Citizens who would like to report a property where illegal guns are believed to be kept should call the Gun Violence Task Force at (215) 686-9585. Experienced officers, trained to take a "low-key" approach, will then visit the property, speak to an adult resident, and request permission to search for illegal weapons. In exchange for such permission, the District Attorney's Office will promise in writing that should any illegal firearms be located in the premises, no one will be charged with illegal possession of the firearms. Should any located firearms be traced to prior crimes, charges may be filed against the individuals who committed those prior crimes. To record this agreement, a written consent form signed by the District Attorney's Office will be provided to the adult resident.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    On the HOW IT WORKS subject. Ain't that just the sweetest thing, they will ASK to search and if you cooperate and they find an ILLEGAL WEAPON then NO ONE WILL BE CHARGED! Way to be, let a criminal go just so you can destroy another gun. What a bunch of morons.

    As has been said, never knew a gun had the capability to hate, let alone think or have the ability to process thoughts, no brain in the gun, no brain in the DA.

    Lord save me from those that want to watch out for my well being.

    Illegitimus non carborundum est

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    Quote Originally Posted by schr8er2000 View Post
    ... Maybe thats next... turn in your cars so they dont hurt someone. I have seen alot of them hiding behind trees just waiting to jump out at someone and take their lives.....LOL...
    Been to England?

    That's Monty Python circa 1970 if you aren't old enough to recognize this clip.
    Gloria: "65 percent of the people murdered in the last 10 years were killed by hand guns"
    Archie Bunker: "would it make you feel better, little girl, if they was pushed outta windows?"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    i am in philly almost daily , and when im there listen tot he oldies station 96.1 and hear that same commercial a few times an hour!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    Quote Originally Posted by Pooch
    As has been said, never knew a gun had the capability to hate, let alone think or have the ability to process thoughts, no brain in the gun, no brain in the DA.
    Wait 'til we get those smart guns they all insist upon. Hell, they won't only hate... they may just be able to hold grudges.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Philly radio spot

    the website you speak of is :

    Marry you, and ruin it all ? I say let's play in sin. ~Michele
    Do ya like warm oil massages ?~Me
    As long as it's gun oil.~Michele

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