Some here may remember when it was posted this NYS law enforcement agency appeared to be taking a 2nd Amendment stance in regards to their oath. Well, now it appears someone put the thumb on them and they are backtracking. Their latest press release can be found on Facebook. I'm unable to link it but you can look it up or if anyone can find it otherwise please post it.

It appears, instead of upholding their oath they decided to instead argue that two features, instead of one, should be used to define an "Assault Weapon". This is a total (excuse the pun) cop out. If you have a FB account please go to their page and let them know your opposition to their justifying a breaking of their oath with something as ridiculous as looking for another definition for something that doesn't exist in order to take firearms away from law abiding citizens. Totally unexceptable.

I don't say this lightly being someone who knows police officers on a personal level and supports them but.. If a department abandons it's oath, it becomes nothing more than a bunch of criminals and thugs who happen to wear badges.