Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    On a country road, Pennsylvania
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    Default We need to be careful what we say and do!

    I have read many threads on here as well as on other sites where people say things advocating premptive violence, talk of forcibly removing people from office etc. This is exactly what the anti gun thugs want us to say. Then they, through the biased media can use misquotes from such posts to make those on our side appear to be "wackos", anarchists etc etc(much in the same way they try to convince the uninformed that these semi auto's are the same firearms the military uses). Thats one of the reasons they "flame us up" by making announcements of gun bans etc that they fully know have no chance of passing, or on the slim chance they do will never be upheld by the courts! They are just waiting for one person(preferably in their eyes an NRA member who legally owns an AR) to shoot a politician, LEO, or commit some act of violence in the name of the second amendment, so they can in turn villify all of us, thus turning the people on the fence about the issue, the Fudds, and others against our cause.

    I firmly believe that a time may come that we may have to resort to more then just me that line will be crossed when the government uses military and or law enforcement to physically confiscate weapons from lawabiding citizens. However until then we have to keep confronting them with words....carefully chosen words, as we have been, including writing your elected officials, editorials based on facts not hype, peaceful protests like the one in Harrisburg the other day etc etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    York Haven, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Quote Originally Posted by firemanmark View Post
    I have read many threads on here as well as on other sites where people say things advocating premptive violence, talk of forcibly removing people from office etc. This is exactly what the anti gun thugs want us to say. Then they, through the biased media can use misquotes from such posts to make those on our side appear to be "wackos", anarchists etc etc(much in the same way they try to convince the uninformed that these semi auto's are the same firearms the military uses). Thats one of the reasons they "flame us up" by making announcements of gun bans etc that they fully know have no chance of passing, or on the slim chance they do will never be upheld by the courts! They are just waiting for one person(preferably in their eyes an NRA member who legally owns an AR) to shoot a politician, LEO, or commit some act of violence in the name of the second amendment, so they can in turn villify all of us, thus turning the people on the fence about the issue, the Fudds, and others against our cause.

    I firmly believe that a time may come that we may have to resort to more then just me that line will be crossed when the government uses military and or law enforcement to physically confiscate weapons from lawabiding citizens. However until then we have to keep confronting them with words....carefully chosen words, as we have been, including writing your elected officials, editorials based on facts not hype, peaceful protests like the one in Harrisburg the other day etc etc.

    Well said and good advice.

    Knee jerk reactions only serve to make us look like a bunch of lunatics. Most of the fence sitters know very little about guns. The left have certainly shown their ignorance but this only stands out to those familiar with guns and the differences between styles and models. We need to educate those who are undecided because they can easily be brought to our side if they know the facts and are not under the impression that the gun crowd is not a bunch of reckless blood thirsty nut jobs.

    As for the revolutionist banter most of these folks have never been to war and have know idea the horrors of blood and carnage that would be brought upon this great nation by such an action.

    I personally believe we are a ways off of a true tyrannical government and far from need for a violent revolution. I think there is still time for a cerebral revolution at this point but who is to say what a 100 years has in store for our great grandchildren or generations after them. We simply can not afford to lose any ground on our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.

    This link couldn't be any easier to use. Just click the link put in your zip code and bang you can write all of your federal and or state reps in one easy step. The NRA-ILA does all the work for you so you have no excuse to not get involved in the cerebral revolution.

    NRA-ILA Write your Representatives
    Last edited by OEF_Vet; January 26th, 2013 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Quote Originally Posted by OEF_Vet View Post
    Well said and good advice.

    Knee jerk reactions only serve to make us look like a bunch of lunatics. Most of the fence sitters know very little about guns. The left have certainly shown their ignorance but this only stands out to those familiar with guns and the differences between styles and models. We need to educate those who are undecided because they can easily be brought to our side if they know the facts and are not under the impression that the gun crowd is not a bunch of reckless blood thirsty nut jobs.

    As for the revolutionist banter most of these folks have never been to war and have know idea the horrors of blood and carnage that would be brought upon this great nation by such an action.

    I personally believe we a ways off of a true tyrannical government and far from need for a violent revolution. I think there is still time for a cerebral revolution at this point but who is to say what a 100 years has in store for our great grandchildren or generations after them. We simply can not afford to lose any ground on our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.

    This link couldn't be any easier to use. Just click the link put in your zip code and bang you can write all of your federal and or state reps in one easy step. The NRA-ILA does all the work for you so you have no excuse to not get involved in the cerebral revolution.

    NRA-ILA Write your Representatives
    I wouldn't besmirch the good name of the NRA by committing a gun crime.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Quote Originally Posted by lemko View Post
    I wouldn't besmirch the good name of the NRA by committing a gun crime.
    What gun crime would you be referring to?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cool Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Quote Originally Posted by lemko View Post
    I wouldn't besmirch the good name of the NRA by committing a gun crime.
    So, you are saying that if they pass a law saying "turn in all guns now!" , you will obey it? Yeah, I didn't think that's what you meant, but as the OP stated, we need to be careful what we say because words DO have meaning. Yours say , "Go ahead and pass a law banning guns and then tell me where to turn them in, and Ill be right down to watch you melt them down into little medals for all the gun-grabbers to hand out to each other at the next MoveOn.ORG meeting."

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    The founders were a bunch of lunatics.

    A hodgepodge (and minority btw) of megalomaniacs attempt to overthrow the best of the British Empire and institute a better government? That is quite a laughable feat. In fact, that is partly where the merriment of Yankee Doodle comes from.

    We take it in stride as it is a part of our history. But if you think about it and place yourself in those times, you can see how crazy it would have looked.
    It is you. You have all the weapons that you need. Now fight. --Sucker Punch

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Quote Originally Posted by OEF_Vet View Post
    Well said and good advice.

    Knee jerk reactions only serve to make us look like a bunch of lunatics. Most of the fence sitters know very little about guns. The left have certainly shown their ignorance but this only stands out to those familiar with guns and the differences between styles and models. We need to educate those who are undecided because they can easily be brought to our side if they know the facts and are not under the impression that the gun crowd is not a bunch of reckless blood thirsty nut jobs.

    As for the revolutionist banter most of these folks have never been to war and have know idea the horrors of blood and carnage that would be brought upon this great nation by such an action.

    I personally believe we are a ways off of a true tyrannical government and far from need for a violent revolution. I think there is still time for a cerebral revolution at this point but who is to say what a 100 years has in store for our great grandchildren or generations after them. We simply can not afford to lose any ground on our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.

    This link couldn't be any easier to use. Just click the link put in your zip code and bang you can write all of your federal and or state reps in one easy step. The NRA-ILA does all the work for you so you have no excuse to not get involved in the cerebral revolution.

    NRA-ILA Write your Representatives
    10 years ago I might have agreed with you but the time to worry about being politically correct or soften things up passed a long time ago. Those with an agenda to disarm and crap all over the constitution aren't going to listen to reason. Those on the "fence" aren't going to make a difference. Stop pussy footing around. They are NOT KNEE JERK reactions!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Just being a member of PAFOA, NRA, other organizations and certain political affiliations will put you very high up on the list of 'undesirables' as viewed by many domestic enemies of the Constitution as I understand it. If the SHTF and guns are confiscated and the herding begins I guess I could take some satisfaction of being at the bottom of the bloody pit with other honorable bitter clingers.

    History is full of examples of ' it won't happen here.'

    Kahr54, out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Quote Originally Posted by ACRblaze View Post
    10 years ago I might have agreed with you but the time to worry about being politically correct or soften things up passed a long time ago. Those with an agenda to disarm and crap all over the constitution aren't going to listen to reason. Those on the "fence" aren't going to make a difference. Stop pussy footing around. They are NOT KNEE JERK reactions!


    For decades, we have been polite. Letter writing and peaceful protests - and what did it get us ? - arrogant politicians with no fear or accountability for stomping on our rights! Perhaps a stern reminder of consequences to these types will make them think twice !

  10. #10
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: We need to be careful what we say and do!

    Nobody knows what they will actually do or what "force" they will use until the time comes. Meanwhile, the sabre rattling and bravado have a very negative effect on all of the "undecided". And, no matter how bitterly we may disagree with them, the vile and obscene laced name calling and veiled threats against our opponents, except referring to the power of the ballot, should have no place in our defensive arsenal of words. Sure, sure, freedom of speech and all that - you can speak as you choose; I am not your censor nor your mother, but we should accomplish what is best for our cause by being SMART.

    This is going to be a long battle which will be won or lost after most of us are dead and gone. It will be a struggle for our children's children and beyond. Our key to victory starts with us, you and me, mobilizing NOW to win the election of 2014. It ends, for us, by educating the youth and teaching them by word, example, experience, and respect for the Constitution that guns can be a very positive force in our culture.

    Young people tend to be very liberal. It is a numbers game. Certain demographics of increases in population will work against us. We must come across and appeal to young voters as intelligent, reasonable, and positive advocates for our cause.

    Profanity, threats, and utterance of who you will shoot and how you would be willing to die for the cause may demonstrate your resoluteness and win the approval of some here, and some of it may even well be true, but for the present time it will do little more than make you feel good while discrediting the RKBA.

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