Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Say you're in a situation at which point somebody put their hand on your gun.

    Well I know I said in the title that this scenario would be after the fact, but how would you go about assessing the danger, and executing an appropriate response? Would you act first, and ask questions later via a quick snap to the persons face with your elbow, before identifying who or what the person is, or would you lock their arm in place, and somehow get them off of you and proceed to identify.

    For this scenario, lets say we chose the act first, question later method. Idiot decided to grab your gun, and you respond by thrusting your elbow into his/her face. We would probably then add insult to injury and stoutly ask them what they are thinking, why would they do that.

    Now, after they are on the ground with a black eye a broken nose, and a insulted demeanor, what do you do? Can you just leave the scene as if nothing happened? What if you were caught on camera?

    Not what, would, or should you do after such immediate action, but what do you HAVE to do legally speaking.

    Also, what if your immediate action was executed upon a undercover, off-duty, or on-duty cop.(kind of a stupid obvious question, but worth covering)
    Last edited by coppery; October 23rd, 2012 at 08:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Quote Originally Posted by coppery View Post
    Say you're in a situation at which point somebody put their hand on your gun.

    Well I know I said in the title that this scenario would be after the fact, but how would you go about assessing the danger, and executing an appropriate response? Would you act first, and ask questions later via a quick snap to the persons face with your elbow, before identifying who or what the person is, or would you lock their arm in place, and somehow get them off of you and proceed to identify.

    For this scenario, lets say we chose the act first, question later method. Idiot decided to grab your gun, and you respond by thrusting your elbow into his/her face. We would probably then add insult to injury and stoutly ask them what they are thinking, why would they do that.

    Now, after they are on the ground with a black eye a broken nose, and a insulted demeanor, what do you do? Can you just leave the scene as if nothing happened? What if you were caught on camera?

    Not what, would, or should you do after such immediate action, but what do you HAVE to do legally speaking.

    Also, what if your immediate action was executed upon a undercover, off-duty, or on-duty cop.(kind of a stupid obvious question, but worth covering)

    Unless I knew that the aggressor was a police officer, I would respond with the mindset that the aggressor was attempting to obtain my firearm for the purpose of causing me serious bodily injury.

    I would do whatever is necessary to maintain control of my firearm, and keep anyone from getting possession of it.

    Immediately after their assault upon me, I would contact the police, and report that I was assaulted.
    Last edited by Ret-Fed; October 23rd, 2012 at 09:19 PM. Reason: Added quote.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Had that happen to me after an IDPA match not long ago. Fellow touched my gun in an aggressive manner, while bad mouthing me.Next thing he knew he was looking up from under the table I put him under. I did not call the law or did he ,he knew he was in the wrong. Don't get in my personal space and you will be ok. 6 foot three and 250 I don't often need the gun. Be safe Mtn Jack
    In a world of compromise some men dont.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Quote Originally Posted by Ret-Fed View Post
    Unless I knew that the aggressor was a police officer, I would respond with the mindset that the aggressor was attempting to obtain my firearm for the purpose of causing me serious bodily injury.

    I would do whatever was necessary to maintain control of my firearm, and keep anyone from getting possession of it.

    Immediately after their assault upon me, I would contact the police, and report that I was assaulted.
    Hard to argue with this. Someone grabbing for my firearm is a threat. I defend myself from threats. Someone threatens me they are breaking the law. I notify the police.
    Marty near God's Country. Making good people defenseless doesn’t make bad people harmless.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Quote Originally Posted by coppery View Post
    Now, after they are on the ground with a black eye a broken nose, and a insulted demeanor, what do you do? Can you just leave the scene as if nothing happened? What if you were caught on camera?

    Seriously speaking, If I were to open carry (I only CC) and if I were in that situation, there are too many variables to say in a simple answer. The situation would dictate. Also, my situation awareness would be heightened so I would predictably profile individuals who look nefarious and steer clear of them.

    As far as hitting a LEO goes, if they have half a brain, they will call you out before attempting to covertly disarm you. If not, you may get tased, bro (after he/she is leaking from their face).

    Do what you have to do if you feel threatened. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
    Quote Originally Posted by dkf View Post
    Official Gun Bully and corn flakes pisser inner since March 2007.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    I would defiantly consider this a threat and respond accordingly.
    “It's not a gun control problem; it's a cultural control problem.” Bob Barr

    "I have a love interest in every one of my films - a gun." Arnold Schwarzenegger

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Anyone grabbing your gun IS a threat and must be treated as such, normal people do not go around grabbing people's guns, and i must assume that a policeman would know better NOT to pull a stunt like that.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    I've somehow gotten to the point where someone's got their hand on my sidearm, that's bad to begin with. I have to assume it's going to be more than bad, so I will react accordingly. I took some retention training some years ago that was quite straight forward and effective, and I've kept up on it. Whether you CC or OC or both, as I do, weapons retention training should probably be on your to do list. Sometimes CC isn't CC, regardless of the intent, so I feel it applies across the board.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    I can't envision too many scenarios where any LEO, UC or not would dash for your weapon unless YOU were posing an immediate threat. You and another person are in a serious argument broaching into physical conflict- you are actively threatening someone... etc.

    Even then, you've already crossed into the point where they are more likely to resort to their own firearm to dissuade you from going for yours.

    Despite what most people think. Cops aren't retarded. By entering into a physical conflict with you over the weapon instead if just ordering you to disarm. You're more likely to react in an unpredictable or violent manner. Now if they already needed to physically restrain or back you away from a situation and realized you had a weapon THEN I could see an LEO trying to control your weapon.

    I guess my point is that I dont see an LEO being stupid enough to escalate a situation that way.

    If someone grabs my gun, I do whatever I have to do to maintain control if it. Period. The consequences of not maintaining that weapon vastly out weigh whatever I have to do to maintain control of it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun Grab Scenario: After the Grab

    Speaking of which I would go full out crazy to prevent some stranger from removing my weapon without my permission. I do not care if it was in jest, out of ignorance, or some other inane reason where someone thought that it would be a good idea to try and disarm a 6' 2" 260# gorilla.
    The gloves come off, any part of their body I have control of or get control of will never work the same. I have secondary armament ready if I can't regain ccontrol of my firearm
    That's why it is a good idea to carry a quality folding knife and or an AA maglite with a strike bezel or tactical butt cap if not a backup firearm. The old saying the best laid plans come to waste when an angel pisses in your flintlock comes to mind
    Derrion Albert was my Hero.

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