I last used my Sparrow at Consolidated Sportsmans Wednesday 8/22 at the rimfire range. Put it in the pouch and back in my bag (my buddy saw me do this) and bag went in the truck. We then went over to the 'running deer' table and shot our other pistols. Only thing I can think is it fell off the table and I missed it.

I realized late last night when I went to put my ammo away and clean my pistols I was missing the suppressor. I tore my bag apart 3 times and turned it inside out. Had my buddy check his bag twice. Checked my truck, ran out to sportsmans at 0630 today, nothing. Left a note on the farmhouse, went back at 1200 and talked to the caretaker, nothing, and checked both ranges again, and nothing.

I then went to the barracks to report it missing. I'm at a complete loss... and feel like a complete idiot.

If you find it, there's a $100 with your name on it. Or if you hear anything about one found. Please let me or PSP Montoursville (570-368-5700) barracks know.
