4 hours to get you started in obtaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to legally carry a firearm. This course will cover:
How to obtain a concealed carry permit in PA or any of the 20+ states that will issue them to non-residents. NJ residents are welcome.
Which states will honor your PA permit, and any special carry rules in those states.
Firearms safety
Which gun to carry
What are the best types of ammunition for self defense
What is a good holster
How to carry concealed
Where are you allowed to carry?
Awareness and combat mindset
When are you legally allowed to use deadly force
How to shoot a self defense handgun
How to practice
How to deal with the police after a deadly force incident
Where to find good books, videos and more advanced training classes dealing with self defense

Later that day or on another day we will do live fire practice on the range.

#### This is a level two class. It would be best (but not required) that you have already learned about your pistol and the fundamentals of safety and marksmanship in a level one class such as NRA BASIC PISTOL.

This class meets 5-9 pm at the Phillipsburg Pistol Club. directions are on their web site.
Classroom portion and range time on another day $80.oo
A certificate of training will be issued that Florida and many other states will accept as proof of safety training when you apply by mail for their non-resident carry permit. There is a $10 discount for students that have already taken NRA basic pistol with us.
Other class dates and times are listed on our website.
Questions are welcome by phone 610-554-4581 or at this email address bobbajor@gunskills.com