I'm relatively new to the gun world, only about 5 months or so now, and have not owned any striker-fired pistols until now, when I picked up a Walther PPQ as my possible carry gun.

I've been carrying for a couple weeks and have been carrying without a round chambered, just to ease into it. I'm also a little anxious about carrying with a round chambered because the gun feels on the brink of firing. Which I guess it is, if the trigger is pulled.

However, I've heard many times that guns don't simply "go off," the trigger has to be pulled, or the hammer needs to drop (on a gun with a hammer anyway). So rather than operate on possibly irrational emotion, I come seeking facts. Is my striker-fired pistol perfectly safe in the holster with the trigger covered? If so, what makes it so, mechanically? What could cause it to fire otherwise?

Thanks for any information.