Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    What are some good questions for a candidate for County DA, that would clearly expose their willingness to adhere to PA gun laws? There are so many situations where they seem to make stuff up, when it comes to (so called) crimes involving guns.

    Any ideas?
    Tommy610, NRA Member, Romans 12:18

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy610 View Post
    What are some good questions for a candidate for County DA, that would clearly expose their willingness to adhere to PA gun laws? There are so many situations where they seem to make stuff up, when it comes to (so called) crimes involving guns.

    Any ideas?
    IF you want to go into the deep end of the pool and really ask some tough questions to any prospective DA.

    You might want to read up on this first report on the ACSL web site it has a brief overview of the UFA by each section and the DOCUMENTATION at the lack of prosecution of repeat violent criminals with existing firearm laws

    PA Firearms Laws & PA Commission on Sentencing Reports

    IF you want individual cases of the DA in your county doing the plea bargain deals and the cost to society of catch and release policy the local paper is full of re re arrested perps. All that is required is do a little research to find a few examples of the slap on the wrist policy when the last time the DA had them in front of a judge to see how often the gun charges were dismissed, not used or not prosecuted . Combine this with the ACSL PA Firearms Laws & PA Commission on Sentencing Reports you can have many twisting looking for a uncomfortable reply to your question of holding them accoutable for their actions.

    This is always an interesting line of questions to ask any DA in public meeting to see what they are made of.

    There are several really good DA in PA that try their best to lock up the violent repeat bad guys for everyone safety, sadly there are many more DA’s its all about playing politics and having a very high conviction rate by doing a deal to make their jobs easier with very little time out for the bad actors.

    drop me a PM if you need if you need more info or where to find it
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    "Can you do better than Gerald Fox?"

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    Cut to the chase.

    "Do you support the right of the citizens to arm themselves against criminals and their own government?"

    "Can you tell me the 2nd Amendment and if so, your interpretation of it"?

    "Why must we seek government permission to exercise a Consititutional recognized and protected right"?

    They either have to lie and piss off half the people, or telling the truth and piss of half the people.
    When the the fan.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    Quote Originally Posted by ErSwnn View Post
    Cut to the chase.

    "Do you support the right of the citizens to arm themselves against criminals and their own government?"

    "Can you tell me the 2nd Amendment and if so, your interpretation of it"?

    "Why must we seek government permission to exercise a Consititutional recognized and protected right"?

    They either have to lie and piss off half the people, or telling the truth and piss of half the people.
    But it's all going to be too late because those questions are way too unspecific to the job. Such questions are really quite anomalous.

    Try, e.g. "Will you ever prosecute an offense under 18 Pa.C.S. 6106?"

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    tommy610 After the discussion with the catch and release of criminals policies by many DA’s as outlined in PA Firearms Laws & PA Commission on Sentencing Reports question have run there course

    Would then ask about prosecution of elected officials breaking state law how they should be dealt with, then shift the questions over to Preemption Law
    §6120. Limitation on the Regulation of Firearms and Ammunition

    2011-12 Proposed law for dealing with Municipalities Violating Preemption Law

    What would they do as the DA when this happens in that county when the rule of law is broken.

    Have the PA attorney general letter from PA in hand to make help the case that it’s the DA’s job to prosecute law breakers that abuse their elected positions, that violate state law for a political agenda.

    Then listen to the uncomfortable position you put them in with these questions.

    Here is the A.G. letter to take with you about Preemption violations that all 67 got at that time
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    Quote Originally Posted by MDJschool View Post
    But it's all going to be too late because those questions are way too unspecific to the job. Such questions are really quite anomalous.

    Try, e.g. "Will you ever prosecute an offense under 18 Pa.C.S. 6106?"
    As I see it, asking too specific a question won't get you much of an answer. First the candidate needs to know what 6106 is. We can't expect them to know every single statue by heart. So the answer will be, "I'll have to get back to you on that" because he/she would be a fool to take someone's word for the correct information without a bit of research themselves.

    I think my questions, or anything like them, get to the heart of their stance. You don't need to know exact wording of the law to make a statement on how you view the 2A. Then knowing how a candidate sees the issue you'll have some idea of the direction they might take in prosecuting firearm cases. Find their basic beliefs and you'll have a better idea of how they will persue a given law, or perceived violation of that law.

    Truely, I wish we could ask very specific questions such as your's. That even more than my own would nail down a candidate's stance but I doubt many of them can recite, recall or recollect every statue. Their not going to answer such a question in a way that gives a clear indication of their view.

    "When ya can't dazzle them with brillance, baffle them with bullshit."
    When the the fan.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Good Gun-Related Questions for County DA Candidates

    Quote Originally Posted by ErSwnn View Post
    First the candidate needs to know what 6106 is. We can't expect them to know every single statue by heart. So the answer will be, "I'll have to get back to you on that"
    Have to be quick on the draw in those situations: "Sir, how many times have you told someone that 'ignorance of the law is no excuse'? And now you're going to tell me that you're ignorant of the law?"

    If you want to obviate someone "not knowing what 18 Pa.C.S. 6106 is" then you have Title 18 with you and open it to the page with § 6106 on it. It's really that simple. Getting their 'basic understanding of the 2A' is not going to translate into any meaningful reflection of their acts. Just look at every public official ever who said he supports the 2A or art. I, sec. 21. If any of them supported it half as much as their claim, would we be in this dire situation now? Have we ever held that promise against them prior to their reelection?

    If you don't want to tack it onto the office they're running for, even though that's the obvious relationship we're SUPPOSED TO BE VETTING HERE, ask them about their 'personal beliefs' on the unconstitutionality of certain sections. If they can't answer, you don't want them. If they answer incorrectly, you don't want them. But if you give them a question where a wrong answer is harder to pin down, it's less useful for the electorate.

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