Not sure if this is the correct forum or not. If not I am sorry!!!

I am amazed as to how quickly I got my yellow card back from the Sheriff Department. I applied on December 27, 2007 amd they stamped the card December 28 and I received it January 3. Go to Sheriff Department at lunch time.

I had my permit a few years ago and let it expire. I has a shoulder injury and was unable to do any shooting of any type. I am a little confused about the whold process maybe I should not question it just go with the flow. Since I let my permit expire more than 5 years ago, I was told that it a whole new application process, it should take about 45 days. December 27 till January 3 is 7 days about 3 working days.

Now just need to go and do some shooting at a range. Join a gun glub and have fun. I need to see how good the doctor was on my shoulder.