My 21-year-old niece (who has lived with us since she was 7) made a horrible choice and was arrested for DUI back in January. This past week she had her day in court and was placed on probation for six months; the terms include "no firearms or deadly weapons" in the residence. Also includes ammo. I spoke with her Probation Officer and she made it clear that even a bank vault wouldn't be good enough -- they have to be out of the house altogether.

As bad as that is, they also gave her a "Firearm Verification Report" that requires the address where they have been stored AND a list of the guns, with a "Complete Item Description" for each and noting that "Serial Number for firearms is mandatory." It has to be signed by both of us, and they expect it to be returned to the PO next week. If there was a reasonable alternative she'd be moving out, but that's not realistic. Looks like I'll spend Sunday storing my guns at a friend's house (Happy Fathers Day). The list of guns is especially troubling, though my handguns are all in the PSP's registry-that-is-not-a-registry anyway.