I just visited this shop for the second time as it's close to my parents house but not mine (300 miles). I was in there on Saturday to do a transfer of a handgun my buddy was buying off of me. They completed the transaction quickly and were very friendly. While we were waiting I was checking out 2 used over/unders they had there. I must have handled both (Browning Citori & Ithaca model 600) a dozen times. As they were closing it looked liked it'd be a wash as they were closed on Sunday and Monday due to the holiday. And I had to be back home by Monday for work/school. In talking with one of the guys their (Collin) I told him that I couldn't make a decision at that time as I needed to consult with my wife. Sometimes buying a gun has way more consequences then just the price of the gun. He understood and gave me his cell phone number and told me to call him if I go the ok from the boss and he would re-open the shop and sell me the gun I wanted. I thanked him and sent off a text to my wife and she gave me the ok. I called Collin back and he met me at the store about 30 minutes later and we completed the transaction on the used Ithaca model 600. It's a great gun and I got it a very good price. Collin was very helpful and even pointed me to the less expensive of the 2 as its main purspose would be skeet/trap and not hunting. I can't say enough nice things about them and the shop. I will definitely make it a point to stop by there everytime I make the trip home to see my family.