I am 22. I was interested in buying a shotgun for home protection. When I was 12 I was adjudicated as a delinquent in the state of Pennsylvania. I do not wish wish to name the charge for privacy reasons. I was never "Convicted" of a felony but was instead adjudicated as a minor. I am pretty sure that my records were sealed at 18. To this day, when I fill out any type of application, I was always told to not check the box that asks if i was convicted as a felony. I recently got a job at walmart as a part time job during these college days, and I got the job. I know that they did a background check. And since i got the job, im pretty sure it came up clean.

Should I be clear to buy a firearm in the state of Pa? I dont want to talk to a lawyer or look through legal doc's. i would much rather have a clear and simple answer.

If you could answer this, it would really make me happy