Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Look at the threads titled "Hassled for carrying at Polls" , License revoked for Speeding" ,"More problems in Delaware County, need help!" or even back to the thread about gun confiscation by the Hawley PD. Is it just me or do you all see a pattern developing. Up until the time Rendell was reelected he tried to play both sides of fence. Now that he is a lame duck with nothing to loose, the true agenda seems to be seeping out. He told his minions to go for it.

    It almost seems as if the anti-gun crowd has been waiting to unleash an all out assault upon our rights. I think Rendell's speech in front of of legislative committee was just a way to unleash the anti-gun splinter cells across the state.
    All of a sudden Sheriffs are using vague statutes to revoke LTCF's. All of a sudden police departments are emboldened to crack down on open carry. Sheriffs Departments are issuing their own rules of do and don't to concealed carry.
    It almost seems as if the Democratic / Socialist onslaught that we all feared when Rendell was first elected is coming to pass. If that is the case then this is just the beginning.

    Rendell and the anti-crowd won't stop until they get what they want. It will be coming wave after wave. There will be anti-gun stories on the liberal media every night. Every shooting will get team coverage. Followed by news conferences with Rendell and now Nutter crying for common sense gun laws. Great big tears over the big bad NRA. Not one of them will discuss the thugs doing the shooting.

    Did you ever wonder if the reason all of these thugs keep getting early release is part of the plan. The more thugs on the street, the more shootings, the more laws they push down our throats. This is not the time to let our guard down.
    Last edited by CZ40P; November 29th, 2007 at 06:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Rendells' a moron.

    Just keep hammering back until we get an answer from the Supereme court.

    I love "Common sense" Laws.

    I wonder if any of these wastes of sperm have ever read "COMMON SENSE"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Quote Originally Posted by CZ40P View Post
    Look at the threads titled "Hassled for carrying at Polls" , License revoked for Speeding" ,"More problems in Delaware County, need help!" or even back to the thread about gun confiscation by the Hawley PD. Is it just me or do you all see a pattern developing. Up until the time Rendell was reelected he tried to play both sides of fence. Now that he is a lame duck with nothing to loose, the true agenda seems to be seeping out. He told his minions to go for it.

    It almost seems as if the anti-gun crowd has been waiting to unleashed an all out assault upon our rights. I think Rendell's speech in front of of legislative committee was just a way to unleash the anti-gun splinter cells across the state.
    All of a sudden Sheriffs are using vague statutes to revoke LTCF's. All of a sudden police departments are emboldened to crack down on open carry. Sheriffs Departments are issuing their own rules of do and don't to concealed carry.
    It almost seems as if the Democratic / Socialist onslaught that we all feared when Rendell was first elected is coming to pass. If that is the case then this is just the beginning.

    Rendell and the anti-crowd won't stop until they get what they want. It will be coming wave after wave. There will be anti-gun stories on the liberal media every night. Every shooting will get team coverage. Followed by news conferences with Rendell and now Nutter crying for common sense gun laws. Great big tears over the big bad NRA. Not one of them will discuss the thugs doing the shooting.

    Did you ever wonder if the reason all of these thugs keep getting early release is part of the plan. The more thugs on the street, the more shootings, the more laws they push down our throats. This is not the time to let our guard down.
    It is getting pretty bad and also pretty stupid.

    Sometimes after reading too much about the various sheriff's being jerk offs, I question whether I'm more afraid of the police than the criminals.

    All of the police I've ever met or talked to in philly have been pretty cool about stuff so that helps keep things grounded (open carry is definitely a no-no but at least the cops on the beat support the idea that you should be able to defend yourself -- with a gun if need be).

    One thing that stands out is how many of the police districts in philly try to partner with the law abiding citizens through civic groups to gather information about what's going on in the neighborhoods. If all these sheriffs end up doing is alienating the law abiding population, they only make their own jobs that much harder. The criminals already don't want to talk to them. Keep it up and nobody will want to talk to them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Welcome to the party, they want to take all of firearms away and they are doing it by the death of a thousand slices, with forums like PAFOA most people would not have a clue that it is indeed a ALL out ATTACK every where in PA at all levels.

    If any of you where there in the Sept 2006 special committee of the whole you would have saw the enemy in the eyes like I did.

    Read about it here the measure of their resolve in that one day event to take your rights away. Go to 2006 and read ACSL Sept / Oct reports to learn what we dodged on that one fateful day in 2006.

    I was there they was more than 3,000 anti-gun people there in captial, 99% of their forces where sheep, didn't have a clue, they where just bought and paid for hired stage props for the media circus.

    I witness the media event first hand, Near I could figure the anti-gunners forces spent between 120,000 to 150,000 on that one day event for dated hats, tee shirts, buses. fancy printed material etc. The ACSL league budget had to get a board vote for an extra 2,500 they spent to fight the battle in all of our behalf that day. Thankfully it was a tactical victory with around than 300 firearm owners that made all the differance. I wish that we had a real budget to even print the fancy B.S. that the anti's were handing out that day.

    WE ARE AT WAR to keep ALL of our Constitutional rights intact, that others in the past fought a real shooting to give US to enjoy today. Glad there are place like PAFOA to show it real and its getting worse, closer than many think it is to happening.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Conceal your gun, stop volunteering information to the police.

    I've only been saying it for....forever.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Here is example of the stuff I get emailed all to often to me to illustrate my points and look at the acurate quote in red.

    ORGANIZATION: Allegheny County Sportsmen's League, Inc.


    PRIORITY: High

    ***Allegheny County Sportsmen's League*** November 29 2007


    Issue: Judiciary Committee Action – Senate Bill 1150

    Dear Sen. XXXXXXXXXX:

    It has come to our attention that Senate Bill 1150 may be considered by the Judiciary Committee in the near future.

    First we wish to be crystal clear that ‘cruelty to animals’ is a concept no one that we know of in the sporting community supports or condones and animal cruelty is already addressed adequately in the crimes code. However, this legislation (SB 1150) has more to do with advancing a philosophy.

    The key, in our opinion, to our concerns with this approach is in the definitions of this legislation which will allow for a much broader interpretation by authorities as well as providing for the basis for legal actions to advance the anti-hunting/anti-fishing philosophy.

    **‘Fowl’ is described as ANY bird (avis).

    **‘Participant’ is described as anyone who ‘actively’ engages ‘in any manner’ (This applies to the organizer, workers AND the end user/shooter)

    **‘Trap shoot or block shoot’ is described as an EVENT during which participants shoot or attempt to shoot targets that are:
    (1) launched or otherwise presented to the shooter with electronic or mechanical assistance from a fixed location or locations within a predefined shooting field; or
    (2) affixed to a rope, chain or other tethering device when presented to the shooter.

    The definitions listed above allow for very broad application of this legislation. This legislation is clearly NOT solely focused on so-called Pigeon Shoots such as the well known controversial Hegins Pigeon Shoot that is no longer held.

    Item #2 above references an extremely rare occurrence that to my knowledge happened only once in PA ( Lancaster County ) that utilized the practice of tethering a bird. We would be willing to discuss addressing the issue of tethering, perhaps in a Title 34 context where it would be more appropriate.

    SB 1150 exempts out (for now) Title 34 activities. This legislation will however have a devastating effect on operators of private game farms or hunting preserves. Philosophically speaking, IF the premise is established in the PA Crimes Code that private game farm activities are ‘animal cruelty’, then the next step will be against comparable birds that are raised and stocked in Title 34 activities. The next step would be deciding that other hunting activities are also ‘cruelty to animals’.

    We do not profess to know the hearts of those who are advancing this specific legislation, but animal rights advocates have stated publicly that they seek to ban hunting and that this issue is a gateway to other items on their list to eliminate such as ‘private hunts’ and ‘game bird preserves’. (Heidi Prescott interview/1999)

    The organizations that advocate this type of legislation seek to establish the concept that activities like this are ‘cruel’ and then spread this definition to other areas of hunting and even fishing (as they have in other countries such as Germany where they lobbied successfully to have animals rights placed in the constitution alongside those given to human beings).

    Those who seek to ban guns employ similar gradualist tactics:

    "We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Of course, it's true that politicians will then go home and say, 'This is a great law. The problem is solved.' And it's also true that such statements will tend to defuse the gun-control issue for a time. So then we'll have to strengthen that law, and then again to strengthen that law, and maybe again and again. Right now, though, we'd be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal."

    -Pete Shields, Chairman and founder, Handgun Control Inc., "A Reporter At Large: Handguns," The New Yorker, July 26, 1976, 57-58

    This law will criminalize conduct that is currently legal on a potentially broad scale. The unintended consequences should also be considered such as a persons Concealed Carry License for firearms being revoked by a Sheriff due to a belief that a citation under this statute indicates aberrant behavior. This may sound ludicrous but PA citizens are having their CCW permits revoked, right now, for simple speeding tickets and even because they ‘look’ different (like the incident recently in Chester County to a retired Marine returning home).

    SB 1150 is not supportable and we ask that you oppose this bill.

    The Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League and the Pennsylvania Sportsmen’s Association are opposed to SB 1150. We feel certain that many other sportsmen’s organizations will readily join a coalition in opposition to this legislation.


    Kim Stolfer
    Legislative Committee, Chairman
    Allegheny County Sportsmen's League

    E-Mail --

    Website --

    (412) 221-3346, Home
    (412) 352-5018, Mobile

    Harry Schneider
    PSA Legislative Committee,Chairman
    Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Association
    (724) 584-8902

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcS View Post
    Conceal your gun, ...
    Carry how you want but I'll avoid your advice. By hiding our guns we are only legitimizing the anti agenda. It is the same as conceding that you are doing something wrong. No thanks, I'll continue to carry in the open because I'm right and they are wrong. To each his own though.

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  8. #8
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Quote Originally Posted by Pa. Patriot View Post
    Carry how you want but I'll avoid your advice. By hiding our guns we are only legitimizing the anti agenda. It is the same as conceding that you are doing something wrong. No thanks, I'll continue to carry in the open because I'm right and they are wrong. To each his own though.
    That's cool, i just don't see anyone following my advice getting harassed by police or having their permit revoked by overzealous sheriffs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    But I do agree....

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I have seen the enemy, they are legion

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcS View Post
    That's cool, i just don't see anyone following my advice getting harassed by police or having their permit revoked by overzealous sheriffs.
    For sure. I understood your point. If your intent is to avoid trouble you quietly sit at the back of the bus. No harm, no foul. My subtle point i that it benefits you, not the collective.

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