On this date the Pa. House Judiciary committee voted down two anti-gun bills and voted for Castle Doctrine Legislation that would make it clear through written legislation that an individual would not have to have the first duty to retreat upon having their home invaded. Also, the legislation would cover other parts of the house including an attached porch. There would be a provision that would disallow a civil suit against an armed defender that used deadly force in a justified manner.

The anti-gun bills in question would of done away with Pennslvania's preemption law thus allowing local communities to pass their own brand of gun restriction laws. The other bill would of outlawed AK 47s exclusively.

Two Delaware County House members were on that committee and knowing their record of being no friend of the second amendment, I am certain that both Greg Vitale and Bryan Lentz, the democratic candidate for U.S. Congress, voted in favor of both Anti-gun bills. It is a scary thought that Lentz, a long time anti-gun zealot and a past supporter for a one gun a month limitation for handgun buyers, could be our next congressman representing the citizens of the 7th district. Ponder that thought come November.