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  1. #1
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    Default ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    As has been abundantly clear, I've been passionate for Rohrer. To no avail. Corbett has, by more than what can be called a landslide, become the Republican candidate.

    Contrary to what some on this site believe, I am not a shill for the other side. That being the case, l'm putting out a fleece. Seeing that my own research on Corbett has indicated to me that he is not what he claims to be, and since there are those here who indicate that because I haven't been involved in PA firearm politics for years on end I don't know the true Tom Corbett, I respectfully request to know more about his history. So far, many have indicated on other threads that I would understand differently if only I could know his true record.

    So...what is this extensive record? Where can it be found? I know about his record on reciprocity already, so I don't need to revisit that. I know about the Philly task force, which IMO does not bode well for him. I have not attended gun rallys or many meetings of FOAC or any other orginization and am unaware of his rhetoric. I am aware of his actions though, but perhaps not enough of them. It does not appear that he is truely for the Castle Doctrine in the way he should be, I could be mistaken. I know he has failed to address some gun owners concerns ( as was demonstrated at the FOAC meeting), perhaps by mistake or staff incompetance.

    In a nutshell, I'm willing to be open minded (that doesn't mean I'm willing to compromise my principles, which I think are objective) about Corbett and might as well get started now. I want to start now to get my head around what I want to do between now and November.

    The prospect of Onorato as governor is not a good one, but I don't want the lesser of the evils. Slow death is no better than fast death. That said, I will objectively(to the degree I can) consider any and all evidence that anyone can present that offers real evidence that Corbett is one of the good guys and not just another attorney finding his market in a place that is expedient for himself (is it obvious that attorneys are not my favorite people?), or worse.

    I've publicly expressed my disdain for Corbett in this venue. My concerns reach beyond firearms issues, and I will likely bring those up in the future if the moderators allow. so in the spirit of fairness I'll also utilize it in an ernest attempt to reach out across idealogical (sp?) and cultural differences in an attempt to attain some sort of commonality that will offer myself and perhaps others here that share my general views some insight and perhaps some change of mind that would help unite us as November approaches.

    It's obvious that there are some here who definately don't like me, and honestly, I don't like them either. But, in the interest of expedience, I'm willing to engage in discourse that will be productive in an attempt to unite. For those who find me to be less than astute, please let me remind that I could not care less what anyone here thinks of me, but that remarks made in an attempt to demean rather than unite will not endear me to Corbett, and the upcoming election could well find me engaged again in polarized opposition to what some would regard, for their own reasons, as the side of good. That's not meant to be a threat, but a request for calm, civil debate. I don't want to put up with BS any more than anyone else does.

    Again, this is an attempt to reach out. I'm not going away. If anyone would care to engage in an ongoing attempt to unite, I'm game. If not, game's on.


    Whiskey Reb
    Last edited by Whiskey Reb; May 19th, 2010 at 11:21 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    You aren't alone in your quest. It will take much convincing to have the majority of support from Rohrer backers...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiskey Reb View Post

    The prospect of Onorato as governor is not a good one, but I don't want the lesser of the evils. Slow death is no better than fast death. That said, I will objectively(to the degree I can) consider any and all evidence that anyone can present that offers real evidence that Corbett is one of the good guys and not just another attorney finding his market in a place that is expedient for himself (is it obvious that attorneys are not my favorite people?), or worse.

    I've publicly expressed my disdain for Corbett in this venue. My concerns reach beyond firearms issues, and I will likely bring those up in the future if the moderators allow. so in the spirit of fairness I'll also utilize it in an ernest attempt to reach out across idealogical (sp?) and cultural differences in an attempt to attain some sort of commonality that will offer myself and perhaps others here that share my general views some insight and perhaps some change of mind that would help unite us as November approaches.

    It's obvious that there are some here who definately don't like me, and honestly, I don't like them either. But, in the interest of expedience, I'm willing to engage in discourse that will be productive in an attempt to unite. For those who find me to be less than astute, please let me remind that I could not care less what anyone here thinks of me, but that remarks made in an attempt to demean rather than unite will not endear me to Corbett, and the upcoming election could well find me engaged again in polarized opposition to what some would regard, for their own reasons, as the side of good. That's not meant to be a threat, but a request for calm, civil debate. I don't want to put up with BS any more than anyone else does.

    Again, this is an attempt to reach out. I'm not going away. If anyone would care to engage in an ongoing attempt to unite, I'm game. If not, game's on.


    Whiskey Reb

    Gotta disagree with the BOLD, at least with a slow death there's a chance, and some time, albeit slim, of resuscitation.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
    Gotta disagree with the BOLD, at least with a slow death there's a chance, and some time, albeit slim, of resuscitation.
    Also, you have to remember a major part is the representatives the gov is surrounded with. Good representation is just as important as anything...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    The likelihood of Corbett coming out and saying something that is extremely pro-gun during his campaign is slim to none.

    Why? Because we have a two party system and no one who is pro-gun is going to vote for Onorato. That is why. Statistically, Corbett already has the pro-gun voters. The ones who won't vote for him because they misperceive him as anti-gun would probably vote for a Libertarian candidate anyway and never vote Republican in the first place.

    So he won't be courting us. He won't be giving us any lip service. To do so would give the Democrats ammo to use against him. They'll paint him as someone looking to arm every criminal in the state or something. A lot of independents who don't really give a crap about guns for the most part but have been fed Hollywood bullcrap for years will fall for it, and the results would be an Onorato victory.

    KNOW this: either Corbett or Onorato will be our next governor. No one else. This is a hard fact. Knowing that, do you want Onorato to be our next governor? If not, then vote Corbett.

    You can call it "the lesser of two evils" if you want. It isn't. Corbett knows the game and knows how to play it with respect to what he says. He's a staunch ally of the pro-gun movement. He's been very careful about what he has said with respect to policy and has mostly spoken about universally supported issues like reducing corruption and being fiscally responsible.

    To the Democrats he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. What I mean by that is that when he has made statements, he has said them in a way that sounds somewhat like the Dem stance without actually really meaning anything at all. Castle Doctrine is a good example. He has said what about it EVERYONE supports without commenting on the rest at all. Why? Because it makes Dems think he's more like them. He isn't. But when independents and mid-line democrats go to vote they don't perceive much of a difference between the two candidates and instead vote based on their record. Corbett has the Bonusgate scandal he's prosecuting and his terms as AG, Onorato has his history running Allegheny. So Dems and Independents who are moderately anti-gun will vote for Corbett not realizing just how pro-gun he really is.

    My guess is that this election the focus will be about anti-corruption and about being fiscally responsible. Onorato is going to attack Corbett on lack of experience with budgets. Corbett is going to attack Onorato on how much the Democrats have hosed PA's budget. With respect to corruption, Corbett will tout Bonusgate, who knows what Onorato will try to do. That's where I think Corbett has a leg up.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    Quote Originally Posted by Nullifidian View Post
    The likelihood of Corbett coming out and saying something that is extremely pro-gun during his campaign is slim to none.

    Why? Because we have a two party system and no one who is pro-gun is going to vote for Onorato. That is why. Statistically, Corbett already has the pro-gun voters. The ones who won't vote for him because they misperceive him as anti-gun would probably vote for a Libertarian candidate anyway and never vote Republican in the first place.

    So he won't be courting us. He won't be giving us any lip service. To do so would give the Democrats ammo to use against him. They'll paint him as someone looking to arm every criminal in the state or something. A lot of independents who don't really give a crap about guns for the most part but have been fed Hollywood bullcrap for years will fall for it, and the results would be an Onorato victory.

    KNOW this: either Corbett or Onorato will be our next governor. No one else. This is a hard fact. Knowing that, do you want Onorato to be our next governor? If not, then vote Corbett.

    You can call it "the lesser of two evils" if you want. It isn't. Corbett knows the game and knows how to play it with respect to what he says. He's a staunch ally of the pro-gun movement. He's been very careful about what he has said with respect to policy and has mostly spoken about universally supported issues like reducing corruption and being fiscally responsible.

    To the Democrats he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. What I mean by that is that when he has made statements, he has said them in a way that sounds somewhat like the Dem stance without actually really meaning anything at all. Castle Doctrine is a good example. He has said what about it EVERYONE supports without commenting on the rest at all. Why? Because it makes Dems think he's more like them. He isn't. But when independents and mid-line democrats go to vote they don't perceive much of a difference between the two candidates and instead vote based on their record. Corbett has the Bonusgate scandal he's prosecuting and his terms as AG, Onorato has his history running Allegheny. So Dems and Independents who are moderately anti-gun will vote for Corbett not realizing just how pro-gun he really is.

    My guess is that this election the focus will be about anti-corruption and about being fiscally responsible. Onorato is going to attack Corbett on lack of experience with budgets. Corbett is going to attack Onorato on how much the Democrats have hosed PA's budget. With respect to corruption, Corbett will tout Bonusgate, who knows what Onorato will try to do. That's where I think Corbett has a leg up.

    I agree. It does not make political sense for Corbett to put extra time and effort wining over people who are already in his corner.

    However, there is a risk that pro-gun people may not be inspired to get out and actually vote for him.

    I would recommend that he have his underlings court the pro-gun people and make sure they get out and vote.

    No one candidate is every going to be exactly what any of us want. We always have to choose among the lesser of evils... but if we abstain all together, we may see the greater of evils win.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    Quote Originally Posted by tsafa View Post
    I agree. It does not make political sense for Corbett to put extra time and effort wining over people who are already in his corner.

    However, there is a risk that pro-gun people may not be inspired to get out and actually vote for him.

    I would recommend that he have his underlings court the pro-gun people and make sure they get out and vote.

    No one candidate is every going to be exactly what any of us want. We always have to choose among the lesser of evils... but if we abstain all together, we may see the greater of evils win.
    Actually the best way to motivate the pro-gun folks is to focus on how anti-gun Onorato is. Just make sure people know that Onorato intends to eliminate pre-emption (he is quoted as saying PRECISELY that), dismantle the UFA and replace it with NJ style gun control, etc.

    The best way to do that is to get the word out on pro-gun forums and in pro-gun areas and meetings. Flyers and such at gun clubs, etc.
    Last edited by Nullifidian; May 19th, 2010 at 01:24 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    Quote Originally Posted by Nullifidian View Post
    The likelihood of Corbett coming out and saying something that is extremely pro-gun during his campaign is slim to none.
    yep. this election is currently his to lose. as long as that is the case, he is probably going to follow a "don't shoot myself in the foot" strategy and try to avoid saying anything he doesn't have to.

    good, bad, whatever...that's the way our system works.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    Quote Originally Posted by NikeBauer21 View Post
    Also, you have to remember a major part is the representatives the gov is surrounded with. Good representation is just as important as anything...
    Absolutely true and the existing legislature is tha only thing that has reined in our current gov. But the simple truth is that the next governor will be either Corbett or Onorato. It often is a choice of the lesser of the evils. I've held my nose at practically every election for the past couple of decades.

    From Onorato's web site: "Onorato believes that local governments should have greater authority to enact further handgun legislation that is appropriate to their local needs. Onorato is in a unique position to build the coalitions necessary for common-sense handgun legislation to be enacted into law, including through an extensive communication effort to lawmakers and other stakeholders about the diverse needs of Pennsylvania communities and the strong support among law enforcement leaders for measures to fight straw purchasers."

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ok, so it's settled...Corbett won

    I have already seen literature stating he is a life member of NRA

    Is pro gun

    Believes in 2A

    Believes in hunting

    Has sent pro active letters to local municipalities telling them it is against the law for them to make their own gun laws.

    Onorato is against guns completely

    So why would anyone consider Onorato?

    I only became a republican because I wanted McCain to win, other wise I would be independent.

    The issues for me are 2A, taxes.

    I believe Corbett is the best choice.

    I would have liked to see Corbett and Metcalfe.

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