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  1. #1
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    Default Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    Another reason to carry at home and while doing yard work/shoveling snow or whatever. You CAN be robbed at your home outside. I know we all know this, but I feel its important to spread these stories so that we remember that you DO need to take your gun when you go outside and think "nah, I'm just going to be home, I don't need it"

    JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY--- A Johnstown couple was robbed at gunpoint outside their home.

    Police are searching for two black men who robbed a man while he was getting out of his car outside his home Tuesday evening. Police Chief Craig Foust said that the victim was approached by the men at gunpoint, they demanded money and when the victim said he did not have any they took him inside of his home and duct taped his hands. Shortly after he was taken inside the victims girlfriend came home she was also taken at gunpoint and duct taped.

    Foust said that the suspects made off with some cash and personal items like the victims cell phones along with their 2002 Black Chrysler car.

    Police think somehow the robbers did know their victims or know of them.

    “We don’t think this was a random act, we think the robbers must have known the victims or at least knew of them,” said Foust.

    The suspects are described as two tall black males, one with a thin build the other a more stocky build, both wore bandanas so police do not have any positive identification of their faces. Anyone who has any information about the robber is asked to contact the Johnstown Police Department.

    Neither victim was seriously injured.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    I'm assuming that the robbers got the drop on the victim.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    I'm sure they did. But was it a total Sam Fisher-like stealth attack...or was it a simple lack of situational awareness? Most people just wander through their day bouncing off the walls thinking nothing will ever happen, thinking that everything that normally happens to them in a day is the way the world does and will always work. Getting a flat tire on the way home is considered a 9.5 out of 10 on a scale of the worst possible things that can happen to you.

    Maybe its no way to live, but being in the neighborhood I live in, I always exercise caution when entering my home after being gone a just never know. I'm not criticizing these people at all because I don't know what happened. Just throwing it out there as a reminder for us all.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    Quote Originally Posted by Franky4Fingers View Post
    I'm sure they did. But was it a total Sam Fisher-like stealth attack...or was it a simple lack of situational awareness? Most people just wander through their day bouncing off the walls thinking nothing will ever happen, thinking that everything that normally happens to them in a day is the way the world does and will always work. Getting a flat tire on the way home is considered a 9.5 out of 10 on a scale of the worst possible things that can happen to you.

    Maybe its no way to live, but being in the neighborhood I live in, I always exercise caution when entering my home after being gone a just never know. I'm not criticizing these people at all because I don't know what happened. Just throwing it out there as a reminder for us all.
    Completely understand.
    But reminding people of situational awareness is one step below making sure they are armed.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bmaninmifco View Post
    Completely understand.
    But reminding people of situational awareness is one step below making sure they are armed.
    I disagree. If you are armed, but still not situationally aware, you have gained nothing. As a matter of fact, I think it's MORE important, as it can keep you from getting into a situation where you need to actively defending yourself even if you ARE armed.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    OOOH, that's what he meant. Sometimes its hard to pick up on stuff via text only. Now that I understand what he meant, I'll respond with... I don't think of it that way because we are all gathered in this forum for a single purpose. Some of us carry at certain times and if anyone is like me. I almost send up subconscious flags sometimes when I perform certain activities and take my gun thinking.. "do I really need this here?" "IS this getting to be TOO gun nut-like?" But stuff like this keeps me in check.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    There is no such thing as too gun nut like. There is no place that it is not appropriate to have a gun. Anything can happen anywhere at any time.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    Quote Originally Posted by truecrimson View Post
    There is no such thing as too gun nut like. There is no place that it is not appropriate to have a gun. Anything can happen anywhere at any time.
    Totally agree with you, my friends joke about me being like that but they also understand why I do and kind of like that I do carry all the time. Plus this is about 5 minutes from my work and 15 minutes from where I live.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    Lucky his girlfriend wasn't raped infront of him. Sorry, I think about how horrible things could happen.

    Now onto the lighter side, hasn't he ever heard of the ol' shotgun/shovel combo? Shovel, Shovel, Rack, Boom.
    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    let them eventually bring the FBI to kill my wife and son over fucking chickens....

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Johnstown Couple: Robbed at Gunpoint at HOME!

    I just re-did my home and added all around flood lights and a new alarm system that I can be notified by text & email and check online when not home if someone enters...

    Also got a keychain to activate house in case we forget or if we think someone is in the home. And that keychain looks like a car keyfob with a silent alarm on it in case of emergency..

    I also have two vicious 20 pound dogs.

    Sounds crazy guys, but the way things are going you never know..

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