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  1. #1
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    Default China attacks Pelosi

    Double standard we support you but we don't support our troops in Iraq.

    China attacks Pelosi over Tibet remarks By CARA ANNA, Associated Press Writer
    37 minutes ago

    CHENGDU, China - China attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Sunday for her recent meeting with the Dalai Lama, accusing her and other "human rights police" of double standards and ignoring the truth about the unrest in Tibet.

    China also again accused the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, of orchestrating anti-government riots in Tibet and neighboring provinces this month in a bid to mar the Beijing Summer Olympics and overthrow the area's communist leaders.

    Pelosi's visit to the Dalai Lama in Dharmsala, India, on Friday was the first by a major foreign official since the protests broke out. The Democratic leader said if people don't speak out against China's oppression in Tibet, "we have lost all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world."

    China's official Xinhua New Agency published commentary Sunday accusing Pelosi of ignoring the violence caused by the Tibetan rioters.

    "'Human rights police' like Pelosi are habitually bad tempered and ungenerous when it comes to China, refusing to check their facts and find out the truth of the case," it said.

    "Her views are like so many other politicians and western media. Beneath the double standards lies their intention to serve the interest groups behind them, who want to contain or smear China," it said.

    The Chinese government has sought to portray itself and Chinese businesses as the victims of the riots.

    China's reported death toll from the protests in the Tibetan capital Lhasa earlier this month is 22. Tibet's exiled government says 99 Tibetans have been killed.

    Xinhua said Sunday that 94 people had been injured in four counties and one city in Gansu province in riots on March 15-16. The report also said 19 rioters had surrendered in Gannan, a prefecture in Gansu, but it did not give any details.

    The violence has turned into a public relations disaster for China ahead of the August Olympics, which it had been hoping to use to bolster its international image.

    The Chinese government over the weekend was trying to give its own version of the events while clamping down on information coming from Tibet and neighboring provinces. The government said through official media that formerly restive areas were under control and again accused the Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, of trying to harm China's image ahead of the summer games.

    "The Dalai clique is scheming to take the Beijing Olympics hostage to force the Chinese government to make concessions to Tibet independence," said the People's Daily, the main mouthpiece of the Communist Party.

    The Dalai Lama called the accusations against him "baseless," asserting that he supported China's hosting of the summer games.

    "I always support (that) the Olympics should ... take place in Beijing ... so that more than 1 billion human beings, that means Chinese, they feel proud of it," he said Sunday in New Delhi, India.

    The official lighting of the Olympic torch is set for Monday in Greece, and some 1,000 police will surround Ancient Olympia to keep away pro-Tibetan protesters from the ceremony. The torch is scheduled to travel through 20 countries before the Beijing Olympics open on Aug. 8.

    One of Thailand's six torchbearers withdrew Sunday in protest. Environmentalist Narisa Chakrabongse said in an open letter that she decided against taking part in the relay to "send a strong message to China that the world community could not accept its actions."

    Despite the media restrictions by the Chinese government, some information was leaking out. An American backpacker who traveled to Chengdu, the capital of western Sichuan province, said he had seen soldiers or paramilitary troops in Deqen in northwest Yunnan province, which borders Tibet.

    "What was an empty parking lot by the library was full of military trucks and people practicing with shields. I saw hundreds of soldiers," said the backpacker, who would give only his first name, Ralpha.

    There have been no reported protests in Yunnan.

    Monks at the Gedan Song Zan Monastery outside of Zhongdian in northwest Yunnan prayed Sunday for peace and an end to the recent unrest among ethnic Tibetan populations in China. The monks, who characterized themselves as both Tibetan and Chinese, said they felt that the upheaval and riots had helped no one.

    The government has insisted that stability has returned to the troubled areas. State broadcaster China Central Television said Sunday that electricity and telecommunications had been restored in Lhasa.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: China attacks Pelosi

    I was hoping to see a photo of her bruised and in a body cast. That would be my idea of a great Easter present.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: China attacks Pelosi

    Very unusual for one commie to be fighting with another...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: China attacks Pelosi

    So I guess it's only okay to take a stand when no American interests are actually on the line?

    I don't like the Chi-Coms, I don't like their practices, and I think their long-term strategy is to increase their own power and importance at our expense.

    BUT....even if they are a long-term competitor, the Chi-Coms haven't done jack against us lately. They respect power and money, they have no intention of starting a holy war against us, and we can do business with them on that basis.

    And while oppression like this makes me upset, it is a small thing compared with the fact that this country is currently at war and that war isn't against the Chinese. This Tibet issue does not affect American interests, however sad it may be for those people. It is certainly not worth wasting this nation's money or political capital on them.

    One war at a time, as Lincoln said.

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