Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    I've been critical of everyone and everything and wasn't even going to vote, but the perfect candidate is pretty rare. Figured the best way to go is to vote for the one you can at least talk to so that's what I did when I spoke to Brian Fitzpatrick the other day and decided I'd rather be part of the solution than ignore the problem(s) altogether.
    With that, I just posted this on my FB page -

    For my first ever Facebook candidate endorsement I choose Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress (in PA's 8th District). Had the chance to meet him and took the opportunity to ask some tough questions. I'm normally cordial with these kinds of things, but wasn't pleased with what I've read in the paper so switched gears and tried to do my duty. What I discovered was that I, too, fell prey to the media taking things out of context/distorting the truth/etc. I also discovered that this candidate is truly a solid guy of impeccable character.
    A former FBI agent with many years doing the real work out there Brian Fitzpatrick really gets it and will, I'm convinced, act accordingly.
    I don't possess any special powers to assess someone's character any more than anyone else and, from what I've seen across the board is that one's character is something that almost everyone understands and can appreciate.
    This candidate's sense of integrity and duty really shined through as well as a desire to consider all points of view as a public servant. Also, having never run for office before, a resume that's tailor-built for the position in today's realities and having a remarkable family makes Brian Fitzpatrick, in my humble opinion, one of the better candidates out there today.
    If you're so inclined do please share this with anyone in Bucks County/PA's 8th Congressional District, take a close look and make up your own mind. I'm not real happy with most candidates in this election cycle, but Brian Fitzpatrick earns my enthusiastic vote and support. Good ones come and go and this is one of the good ones that would be unfortunate to let go.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    I don't live in that district but duh, of course everyone in the 8th should vote for him and vote GOP up and down the ballot. For those who value individual liberty, to do otherwise this consequential election cycle is to commit national suicide and usher in Armageddon.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    His opponent is rabidly anti-gun.

    Did you ask him about any Second Amendment issues?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    ^^^^ that's actually an insult to rabidly anti-gunners.

    santascumaggio is in a class all by himself.
    There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy - Dante.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    Quote Originally Posted by jthrelf View Post

    Did you ask him about any Second Amendment issues?
    I did and his answer wasn't perfect, but he knew where I was coming from and was honest. Not sure if he's a real "gun" person or not which is why I preferred to be involved as a trusted voice from the community. His answer was what if we could add some measures that don't restrict anything and attach a 50-state concealed carry reciprocity to it. It was sort of to give a little to get a lot. Not the answer that any of us are 100% thrilled with, but it shows some thought and willingness to listen to people like us.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    Quote Originally Posted by Cory View Post
    I did and his answer wasn't perfect, but he knew where I was coming from and was honest. Not sure if he's a real "gun" person or not which is why I preferred to be involved as a trusted voice from the community. His answer was what if we could add some measures that don't restrict anything and attach a 50-state concealed carry reciprocity to it. It was sort of to give a little to get a lot. Not the answer that any of us are 100% thrilled with, but it shows some thought and willingness to listen to people like us.
    You do know how that actually goes down, right? We get new gun restrictions that he says are not restrictions and 50-state reciprocity gies nowhere. What are these "measures" he wants to have the government infringe on our rights?  448

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    Quote Originally Posted by ungawa View Post
    You do know how that actually goes down, right? We get new gun restrictions that he says are not restrictions and 50-state reciprocity gies nowhere. What are these "measures" he wants to have the government infringe on our rights?
    That's what I'm say'in. The other guy is unapproachable, but at least in this case we can potentially educate. There's hope with this one and none with the other.
    That's all.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    the Santeserio ads make me laugh when he says he wrote the gun laws. Or "authored a bill"... bills that went no where.
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: My Endorsement of Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

    That slug originally from NJ is probably going to be reelected. :-(

    ETA: That doesn't read right. He is a state rep running for congress. He was elected to one and is looking to be elected to congress. My concern is those who made him a state rep may put him in congress. This guy wrote a piece to the local rag ragging about the state preempting local gun controls. He is an attorney, and knows the law, but is a cry-baby about law he doesn't like.
    Last edited by Bang; November 6th, 2016 at 06:02 PM.

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