Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #11
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by ROCK-IT3 View Post
    So for all the times of the year when hunting season is closed, gamelands should be empty of people?
    Yes, because hunting license revenue purchased the land.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by JAKIII View Post
    So you're calling me a Fudd for giving him a legal way to carry any rifle he wants while on game lands?

  3. #13
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by USMC3531 View Post
    Get a hunting license and wear an orange hat and when questioned say you are hunting groundhog.
    Quote Originally Posted by USMC3531 View Post
    So you're calling me a Fudd for giving him a legal way to carry any rifle he wants while on game lands?
    Just trying to have some fun with a joke... and your post #3 was a great set-up.

    No malice aforethought.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    Yes, because hunting license revenue purchased the land.
    From the home page of the (bold is mine)

    The Game Commission owns and manages more than 1.5 million acres of state game lands throughout the Commonwealth. The primary purpose of these lands is the management of habitat for wildlife and provide opportunities for lawful hunting and trapping. Secondary recreational uses are permitted in accordance with the Game Commission*s regulations.

    Link to the regulations:

    The only thing I can find regarding non-hunters being allowed on State game lands is here:

    § 135.41. State game lands.
    (21) Be present on State game lands from November 15 through December 15 inclusive when not engaged in lawful hunting or trapping and fail to wear a minimum of 250 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange-colored material on the head, chest and back combined or, in lieu thereof, a hat of the same colored material. The material shall be worn so it is visible in a 360° arc. Persons using shooting ranges are exempted from this requirement.

    Note: this only seems to say non-hunters on state game lands between the dates listed MUST wear a minimum of 250 sq. in. of flourescent orange.

    Can you cite any law or regulation making it illegal for anyone to be on state game land unless for hunting purposes?

    ETA: link to a game lands map, especially important is the text on page 2 of the map. (bold is mine)

    Each time a hunter buys a hunting license, the money he
    spends goes toward many facets of wildlife management. Since
    1920, close to a million and a half aces of State Game Lands have
    been acquired with these funds. Each year nearly $7,000,000 is
    spent to improve wildlife habitat. Habitat improvements enhance
    living conditions for non‐game birds and mammals as well as those
    species which are hunted. Pennsylvania hunters willingly share
    these lands with the non‐hunting public, and with few exceptions,
    State Game Lands are open for general use year round. Surveys
    indicate that hunting accounts for only thirty‐five percent of game
    land usage. The remaining sixty‐five percent is used by the general
    public for non‐hunting purposes.

    “Working Together for Wildlife” is a Game Commission
    program providing everyone an opportunity to help support
    wildlife management in the areas for endangered and non‐game
    animals. Monies derived from the “Working Together for Wildlife”
    Program are being used in Pennsylvania to re‐introduce the osprey,
    river otter, bald eagle, peregrine falcon and provide habitat for
    other birds and mammals indigenous to the Commonwealth.
    Construction placement of blue bird houses on State Game Lands
    provides needed homes for this beautiful songbird. Islands in the
    Susquehanna River have been set aside as propagations areas for
    non‐game shore birds. Numerous other projects are planned on
    State Game Lands and other public properties which will also
    provide food and habitat for non‐game wildlife.
    The future of Pennsylvania’s wildlife resources requires the
    concern, cooperation and financial support of everyone, hunters
    and non‐hunters alike.
    “Working Together for Wildlife” is the
    answer. Send your contributions to “Working Together for
    Wildlife”, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110‐

    State Game Lands (SGL) 106 is located in Southeast Schuylkill County
    in the townships of East Brunswick and West Brunswick Townships. In
    Northern Berks County the Game Lands is located in Albany and
    Windsor townships and Lynn Township in Western Lehigh County .
    The deeded acreage for this Game Lands is 9,720.847 acres. It is
    located in Land Management Group 3 of the Southeast Region,
    Wildlife Management Unit 4C. The Schuylkill River borders the Game
    Lands on the western edge and several headwaters begin for the
    Rattling Run, Pine Creek and several unnamed streams. Elevations
    range from a high of 1600' along the ridge top of the Blue Mountain to
    500' along the Schuylkill River near Port Clinton.
    The Pennsylvania Game Commission currently maintains eight parking
    areas on SGL 106. There are –22 miles of maintained administrative
    roads providing for public access to the Game Lands. The gated roads
    provide access for hunters, fishermen, avenues for hiking, bird
    watching and wildlife photography.

    This Game Lands is situated in Wildlife Management Unit 4C. Both big
    game and small game are hunted on SGL 106. Deer, black bear, turkey,
    grouse, rabbits, pheasants and squirrels are found here. Gray fox,
    raccoons, opposums and provide trapping opportunities on the Game
    Lands. Ducks and geese are occasionally hunted along the Schuylkill
    River and on the Game Land's small impoundments and streams.
    Hiking, biking, horseback riding and bird watching are lawful
    recreational activities.
    Game Lands 106 has a shooting range located
    near the town of Eckville.
    Public utilization of this Game Lands is very extensive. Sport hunting
    for game species is not the only major activity. Intensive public activity
    can be found year round. Fishing in the Schuylkill River and the
    properties numerous small streams, observation of raptures, fall
    foliage tours, and heavy usage of the Appalachian Trail corridor are
    examples of non‐consumptive uses of the game lands. Winter season
    enables the public to take advantage of the snowmobile trail system.
    Last edited by ROCK-IT3; February 25th, 2023 at 10:29 PM.
    Power always thinks...that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Just a related note: No carrying on Army Corps of Engineers land.
    Last edited by esh21167; February 26th, 2023 at 10:56 AM.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by ROCK-IT3 View Post
    From the home page of the (bold is mine)

    The Game Commission owns and manages more than 1.5 million acres of state game lands throughout the Commonwealth. The primary purpose of these lands is the management of habitat for wildlife and provide opportunities for lawful hunting and trapping. Secondary recreational uses are permitted in accordance with the Game Commission*s regulations.

    Link to the regulations:

    The only thing I can find regarding non-hunters being allowed on State game lands is here:

    § 135.41. State game lands.
    (21) Be present on State game lands from November 15 through December 15 inclusive when not engaged in lawful hunting or trapping and fail to wear a minimum of 250 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange-colored material on the head, chest and back combined or, in lieu thereof, a hat of the same colored material. The material shall be worn so it is visible in a 360° arc. Persons using shooting ranges are exempted from this requirement.

    Note: this only seems to say non-hunters on state game lands between the dates listed MUST wear a minimum of 250 sq. in. of flourescent orange.

    Can you cite any law or regulation making it illegal for anyone to be on state game land unless for hunting purposes?

    ETA: link to a game lands map, especially important is the text on page 2 of the map. (bold is mine)

    Each time a hunter buys a hunting license, the money he
    spends goes toward many facets of wildlife management. Since
    1920, close to a million and a half aces of State Game Lands have
    been acquired with these funds. Each year nearly $7,000,000 is
    spent to improve wildlife habitat. Habitat improvements enhance
    living conditions for non*game birds and mammals as well as those
    species which are hunted. Pennsylvania hunters willingly share
    these lands with the non*hunting public, and with few exceptions,
    State Game Lands are open for general use year round. Surveys
    indicate that hunting accounts for only thirty*five percent of game
    land usage. The remaining sixty*five percent is used by the general
    public for non*hunting purposes.

    *Working Together for Wildlife* is a Game Commission
    program providing everyone an opportunity to help support
    wildlife management in the areas for endangered and non*game
    animals. Monies derived from the *Working Together for Wildlife*
    Program are being used in Pennsylvania to re*introduce the osprey,
    river otter, bald eagle, peregrine falcon and provide habitat for
    other birds and mammals indigenous to the Commonwealth.
    Construction placement of blue bird houses on State Game Lands
    provides needed homes for this beautiful songbird. Islands in the
    Susquehanna River have been set aside as propagations areas for
    non*game shore birds. Numerous other projects are planned on
    State Game Lands and other public properties which will also
    provide food and habitat for non*game wildlife.
    The future of Pennsylvania*s wildlife resources requires the
    concern, cooperation and financial support of everyone, hunters
    and non*hunters alike.
    *Working Together for Wildlife* is the
    answer. Send your contributions to *Working Together for
    Wildlife*, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110*

    State Game Lands (SGL) 106 is located in Southeast Schuylkill County
    in the townships of East Brunswick and West Brunswick Townships. In
    Northern Berks County the Game Lands is located in Albany and
    Windsor townships and Lynn Township in Western Lehigh County .
    The deeded acreage for this Game Lands is 9,720.847 acres. It is
    located in Land Management Group 3 of the Southeast Region,
    Wildlife Management Unit 4C. The Schuylkill River borders the Game
    Lands on the western edge and several headwaters begin for the
    Rattling Run, Pine Creek and several unnamed streams. Elevations
    range from a high of 1600' along the ridge top of the Blue Mountain to
    500' along the Schuylkill River near Port Clinton.
    The Pennsylvania Game Commission currently maintains eight parking
    areas on SGL 106. There are *22 miles of maintained administrative
    roads providing for public access to the Game Lands. The gated roads
    provide access for hunters, fishermen, avenues for hiking, bird
    watching and wildlife photography.

    This Game Lands is situated in Wildlife Management Unit 4C. Both big
    game and small game are hunted on SGL 106. Deer, black bear, turkey,
    grouse, rabbits, pheasants and squirrels are found here. Gray fox,
    raccoons, opposums and provide trapping opportunities on the Game
    Lands. Ducks and geese are occasionally hunted along the Schuylkill
    River and on the Game Land's small impoundments and streams.
    Hiking, biking, horseback riding and bird watching are lawful
    recreational activities.
    Game Lands 106 has a shooting range located
    near the town of Eckville.
    Public utilization of this Game Lands is very extensive. Sport hunting
    for game species is not the only major activity. Intensive public activity
    can be found year round. Fishing in the Schuylkill River and the
    properties numerous small streams, observation of raptures, fall
    foliage tours, and heavy usage of the Appalachian Trail corridor are
    examples of non*consumptive uses of the game lands. Winter season
    enables the public to take advantage of the snowmobile trail system.
    Thanks for the citation

  7. #17
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    I like to shakedown my fighting kit by going on hikes with various load outs.

    It’s been my opinion that a loop-hole SBR, being a “firearm”, is also fine to OC while out in the woods just as it’s fine in a car/CC’d. Thoughts?

    Bunny Cops might disagree… but, I feel like the plate carrier, war belt, pack, helmet, etc. could perhaps also attract their curiosity. Haven’t encountered them yet. Not sure if there’s any difference in a State Game Land versus a park, (e.g. Linn Run or Forbes State Forest) either…

    Random hikers passing by on trails do have varied reactions though…. Haha A cheerful “Good Morning!” & a welcoming smile seems to reassure them in most cases!

  8. #18
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaredOnce View Post
    I like to shakedown my fighting kit by going on hikes with various load outs.

    It’s been my opinion that a loop-hole SBR, being a “firearm”, is also fine to OC while out in the woods just as it’s fine in a car/CC’d. Thoughts?

    Bunny Cops might disagree… but, I feel like the plate carrier, war belt, pack, helmet, etc. could perhaps also attract their curiosity. Haven’t encountered them yet. Not sure if there’s any difference in a State Game Land versus a park, (e.g. Linn Run or Forbes State Forest) either…

    Random hikers passing by on trails do have varied reactions though…. Haha A cheerful “Good Morning!” & a welcoming smile seems to reassure them in most cases!
    Did a ruck today…. I guess I was “double OC-ing”! haha

    Did 6.8km, off-piste through the rock fields in full kit. 8 rifle mags, 9 pistol mags (naturally, hot AR with an LPVO and pistol) full war belt, body armor, comms, 55lb pack with water/food/med/etc…)It was awesome. Extra protein shake tonight for sure!! 👍

    Only encountered 2 older couples when crossing the trails to go back up around Beam’s Rock. They weren’t “unfriendly”… but I made an effort not to startle them and cut 90deg and waived hello! ha

    Great workout! Let me know if anyone would like to join next time…

  9. #19
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Here is my recommendation, buy a PA hunting license every year and if approached by a WCO or any other official tell me that you are coyote hunting. There is no closed season and Sunday hunting is also legal. A simple, inexpensive solution to a problem you may encounter in the future.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: OC on State Game Land?

    Quote Originally Posted by eatmydust View Post
    Here is my recommendation, buy a PA hunting license every year and if approached by a WCO or any other official tell me that you are coyote hunting. There is no closed season and Sunday hunting is also legal. A simple, inexpensive solution to a problem you may encounter in the future.
    I have a license… I considered that, but that wasn’t what I was doing.

    I was rucking in full kit for a workout and training. If they don’t like that, it’s their problem.

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