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  1. #101
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    Default OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    Thought some of you may be interested. The Paul Campaign is a Grassroots Effort!
    Nation Wide, pick the Link closest to you or enter a Zip Code

  2. #102
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    For those interested, here's a video of the debates which cuts out everyone else and only focuses on the questions asked to Dr. Paul and his answers. Good to get an idea of his position on some of the issues:
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  3. #103
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaII5 View Post
    Shows are doing a good job of giving him no attention. He was barely mentioned yesterday even after winning their poll. Lou Dobbs on CNN has had him on several times as they both think alike.

    I'm curious if they simple don't mention his name because he isn't that well known, or because they don't want to give him any attention due to his beliefs. Someone will Pauls beliefs in power would destroy the economic stronghold the banking industry, large corporations, and the gov't in general would have over the country.

    Considering they have given alot more attention to these other candidates who I have never heard of either seems a bit odd.
    I sent a complaint to them (ABC) about it...and I made sure to check and see if he was there before I sent it.

    But I have to laugh my ass off on this one....he's there now, look at the results:
    Republican presidential candidates held their first debate recently.

    Who do you think came out on top at the Republican debate?

    Ron Paul
    It doesn't matter who won. I wouldn't put America in another Republican's hands.
    Rudy Guiliani
    None of them. I'm interested in the possibility of new candidates like Fred Thompson.
    Mitt Romney
    John McCain
    Tom Tancredo
    Tommy Thompson
    Mike Huckabee
    Sam Brownback
    Duncan Hunter
    James Gilmore
    Total Vote: 12,724

  4. #104
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    That page is gone BUT here's a small article:

    "The Ron Paul Effect"

  5. #105
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    To those who believe that they support the 'war' you don't. The Chinese provided every cent of the money we had to borrow for the Iraq undeclared war, so technically, China supports the undeclared war.

    No loan, no undeclared war...period, can say you support the loans for the undeclared war, but then we all do that, but we don't have a choice in the matter.

    Since WWII, America has never declared war. Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq I, Iraq II, Kosovo, etc., have all been undeclared conflicts.

    The reason we invaded Iraq and did away with Sadam, as well as the reason we are threatening invasion of Iran, including the use of tactical nukes, if deemed necessary:

    The pathetically weak dollar exists only because of the worldwide oil-for-dollars policy that's in effect since Nixon, who took us off of the Gold Standard, after which the dollar has been backed by nothing. There are only 2 places to purchase oil, worldwide...London's IPE and New York's COMEX, and you must use dollars.

    Every country that wants oil (which is all of them) must buy and hold dollars for this reason only.

    Sadam switched to selling his oil for Euros. Iran has announced it's opening a commodity exchange of it's own and accepting Euros for oil. The Fed/Exxon simply aren't having that.

    Ron Paul on voting no to go to Iraq (from the debate): "If you want to go to war, declare war and go in and win it. But, don't go to war for political reasons, or to support UN Resolutions, or pretend that Iraq is a threat to us."

    There is NO candidate who understands the real reasons we are in military conflict with no end in sight, who also has the stones to oppose the powers that be on our behalf, and has done so for more than 9 terms in Congress, and has a plan to end this insanity, except Ron Paul.

    The Comptroller of the United States has recently warned Congress that either we cut 60% of Federal spending or double taxes...I'll repeat that for those who may have missed it...DOUBLE TAXES, or America is insolvent.

    NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, SPP, North American Union, Amero, WTO, IMF, BIS. Only one candidate has full knowledge of these acronyms and what they mean to us...the people.

    Don't get lost in the usual nonsense debate while the press picks the next President for you. Look at all of the so-called scientific polls, they've all narrowed the field to only 6 choices out of 16 candidates, 9 months before the first primary election!!

    Ron Paul doesn't have a chance? In 2004, 100,000,000 Americans DID NOT VOTE. Let's let them know that THIS time, there is someone worth voting for. Look at the online polls and the flood of letters and calls to ABC News (they LEFT RP's NAME OFF THEIR DEBATE POLL!!!!).

    We aren't the idiots they've made us out to be. We aren't apathetic. We aren't happy to be called Joe Six Pack and sit on the sidelines...and this time we have a guy with the stones to lay his life on the line, who's available to vote for.


  6. #106
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    This election (08) is so important for America. Everyone has been making the corporate media look ridiculous by exposing the fact that they are ignoring Ron Paul. They simply can't ignore it any longer. After he (again) wipes the floor with the competition in the 2 upcomming debates, they'll have to cover him. I'm very proud of everyone supporting him. Remember to vote online after the next debate on MSNBC,ABC, etc.

    This is huge for America. Spread the word for Ron Paul!

  7. #107
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    I'm headed down to Columbia, SC to meet with other Ron Paul supporters for the debate. Don't look for us on the news, we'll be blacked out, heh-heh.

    I look for Fox News to have something up their sleeves. The only question is what?

    Bill Clinton passed the Brady Bill, his spouse will finish the job and double taxes to boot.

    I second the admonition to watch the debate, send your e-mails, make your calls, vote in every poll...or forever hold your peace.


  8. #108
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    Quote Originally Posted by ragtime8922 View Post
    ... they are ignoring Ron Paul. They simply can't ignore it any longer.
    Sorry, they certainly can ignore him. If he isn't Republican or Democrat, he's an irrelevant distraction at best, a spoiler at worst. See >this< thread, or read Article 2 of the US Constitution.

    Congress ("electoral college") picks the next President, not us.

  9. #109
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    Quote Originally Posted by PA Rifleman View Post
    Sorry, they certainly can ignore him. If he isn't Republican or Democrat, he's an irrelevant distraction at best, a spoiler at worst. See >this< thread, or read Article 2 of the US Constitution.

    Congress ("electoral college") picks the next President, not us.
    Ron Paul IS a Republican. He may not be the most popular one from the media's perspective, but he is one regardless.

    Don't discount Ron Paul yet, it's way too early to do so. This isn't a Gov. Jesse Ventura situation, where he was voted in as an Independent and couldn't get anything done because BOTH parties in the legislature iced him. Ron Paul is a Republican, and if he gets elected he will get stuff done. Party politics rules in DC, and they WILL back their man if he makes it into office, otherwise they will find the party in chaos and at the mercy of the Democrats, a fate they fear worse then Ron Paul.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
    -Charlton Heston

    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
    -John Quincy Adams

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Μολών λαβέ!
    -King Leonidas

  10. #110
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    Default Re: OMG - Ron Paul for President!

    Quote Originally Posted by ChamberedRound View Post
    Ron Paul IS a Republican. He may not be the most popular one from the media's perspective, but he is one regardless.

    Don't discount Ron Paul yet, it's way too early to do so.
    You are correct, I was under the impression Ron Paul was still running under the Libertarian ticket.

    Would like to think Mr. Paul has a shot, but I seriously doubt any GOP runners have a chance at 1600 Penna Ave anytime soon particularly with a Democratic majority in Congress that's already infuriated with Bush II.

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