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  1. #31
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    Firing a fatal shot will only ensure that your life as you've once known it is now over......forever.

    Even if the shot is justified (a good shoot) it makes absolutely no difference.

    Having such a cavalier attitude, or an attitude which carries no emotion for the life of another human being isn't someone that should be carrying a firearm.

    Death is final.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazylaser View Post
    It honestly wasen't too bad, really not like you're making it out to be. Then Again he didn't die. Surreal, yeah. But I still slept sound that night.
    I was shaken up for awhile, but I did sleep good that night. I guess I just told myself that I was alive and I was going to be ok.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    First off, I am sorry if I came off sounding like a self righteous prick. While reading through the first sentence or two I has very glad to see you made it out ok and still am. I should have stated that from the get go I am very sorry.

    As I came to the ending of a very long run on sentence I read that part. The comment that I see far too often coming from people who claim to be the good guy. It is very hard to prove you are better than trash if you have its mentality. I can assure you it does not make you look cool, and if and when you do carry through with an act as such I can almost assure you that you will not have so much bravado.

    Yes you must make the mental decision that if you are going to carry a tool that can end life you must be prepared to do so. But life no matter how evil is life and unless you too are evil you are going to have emotion when you assist in removing it.

    I am truly sorry that this happened to you and I am glad you made it out ok. It is only my advice to you, that until you are in the moment don't assume about how you will feel.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by JDePietro View Post
    First off, I am sorry if I came off sounding like a self righteous prick. While reading through the first sentence or two I has very glad to see you made it out ok and still am. I should have stated that from the get go I am very sorry.

    As I came to the ending of a very long run on sentence I read that part. The comment that I see far too often coming from people who claim to be the good guy. It is very hard to prove you are better than trash if you have its mentality. I can assure you it does not make you look cool, and if and when you do carry through with an act as such I can almost assure you that you will not have so much bravado.

    Yes you must make the mental decision that if you are going to carry a tool that can end life you must be prepared to do so. But life no matter how evil is life and unless you too are evil you are going to have emotion when you assist in removing it.

    I am truly sorry that this happened to you and I am glad you made it out ok. It is only my advice to you, that until you are in the moment don't assume about how you will feel.
    I see the truth in your statement. I never want or am looking to be in that situation again for as long as I live. I am not trying to act cool by stating that I would have used deadly force. After my experience I was very mad that I could not defend myself and my life was in the hands of someone that did not care one bit about life itself. If he did he would not have shot at me and now he is still out there to do the same thing to someone else.

    The police did call me back after a couple of days for more information. I asked if there were other muggings that night. They told me there was and one situation the victim was hurt badly. That is all they would tell me.

    Everyone here all carries a sidearm one way or another, OC/CC. When you strap that weapon on it is for a reason. We all carry sidearms, but hope we are never in the situation that we must use it. All in all, at the end of the day we carry so if that situation arises we can and will use it. Thanks for your sympathy.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    Firing a fatal shot will only ensure that your life as you've once known it is now over......forever.
    NOT firing it will probably cause your life to end... PERIOD.

    Even if the shot is justified (a good shoot) it makes absolutely no difference.
    It makes all of the difference in the world to ME.

    If I shot somebody trying to rob me, I'd have no more remorse than if I shot a crocodile trying to eat me. I didn't make the crocodile try to drag me into the river. I didn't make the moron try to rob and or murder me. My responsibility is to preserve my own life or that of someone similarly situated as specified in law.

    If I accidentally shot an INNOCENT person with a through and through that penetrated my assailant, THAT would bother me for the rest of my life. That's why I carry hollow points in all of my guns.

    Having such a cavalier attitude, or an attitude which carries no emotion for the life of another human being isn't someone that should be carrying a firearm.
    I have plenty of emotions for armed robbers.

    Contempt and hatred are emotions...

    Death is final.
    There's a good chance of it if you put me in reasonable fear of life and limb while I'm armed. That's why you shouldn't do that.

    This idea of treating armed robbery and attempted murder as if it were like bumping somebody on a subway car is as alien to me as pedophilia or cannibalism. Nobody ACCIDENTALLY becomes an armed robber. You have to CHOOSE to do it. Some choices have drastic and permanent consequences. If you CHOOSE to do something stupid, especially something which pointlessly endangers innocent people, don't expect ANY sympathy from me. I have NONE to give.
    Je suis Charles Martel.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brown-Bear View Post
    You know I hat reading these stories, and hearing the internet toughguys talk about how glad they would be if they killed someone, and how it would not affect them in any way. Anyone who made posts in that regard ever shoot anyone????? Hmmmmm?

    I doubt it.
    Internet tough guys?!?! Im sure the coast guard didnt teach you to kill anyone so im not sure where this is coming from BUT in all honesty, depending on the situation I wouldn't feel remorse. Every time I started to feel bad I would just take two seconds to think that it was going to be my life or theirs. And since they were the attacker and put themself in that situation... I couldnt feel too bad.

    Granted I have never been in that situation and I hope never to be.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    I have done a lot of things in my life that I didn't enjoy , even when there was no other choice I still didn't feel good about them . Anyone who enjoys killing another human for any reason isn't right . Do what you have to do but don't lose your humanity .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  8. #38
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    It easy to say you will feel nothing but relief that you are alive after a deadly force encounter, but unless you are as sub human as those who attempted to kill you trust me there will be repercussions.

    First off be prepared to be arrested and 24-36 hours later if you are lucky you have made bail and are out of the holding cell that you were sharing with a good number of gutter trash, the drunk, the mentally ill and other assorted gang bangers.

    Enjoy trying to sleep for the next several days or weeks. And when you do dream it will be replays of the shooting, but this time the bad guy won't go down or there are many bad guys or other related themes.

    Have fun with you attorney as you attempt to clear yourself from this cluster poop, and you watch a fairly green ADA attempt to portray you as the next Charles Manson just itching for a chance to go kill.

    Marriage counseling would be a good investment at this time too.

    Its easy to say you will feel little regret but if you are a decent person then its hard to actually feel no regret.

    To the OP I'm glad you are safe. If your instincs light up again like they did in this encounter just remember distance can be your friend.
    Last edited by gold cup abuser; February 5th, 2009 at 10:22 PM.
    gotta love her ;)

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    First: I'm glad the guy who started this thread is up and about and still drawing breath.

    Not to be too glib of an "internet tough guy", but with regard to thugs in general: some people should die.

    I regard misplaced compassion as a character flaw, i.e., we as a society are too weak to recognize that dirty jobs sometimes have to be done. Mad dogs need to be put down.

    If some of you shooters actually did draw down on someone and you're not in jail, you likely were justified. My unsolicited advice: stop wringing your hands, recognize the good you've done society as a whole and try to take some satisfaction in a job well done.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Default Re: !!!!! Being Shot At and Mugged !!!!!

    I don't even know where to start on the remorse thing here...

    I think in the actual heat of a life or death situation, all that " oh noes, poor guy" stuff will go out the window, as you shoot to survive. Damn straight that if someone shoots at me that I won't be thinking " oh noes that poor misguided youth is shooting at me, that poor dude, maybe he needs a hug", or " gee if I kill the guy and I survive instead of him killing me, will I go to jail?". In actuality in MD and PA, if it's a justifiable shoot, you will not be facing charges, though in MD if you are carrying illegally you will get charged for carrying illegally, and manslaughter as well, though this part might get dropped later. Baltimore city though is a whole nother nother, they will likley want to make an example of you, while real murderous thugs get suspended sentences, aquittals( evidence is there and witnesses, but then the stop snitching lifestyle scares the witnesses and the material evidence isn't enough by itself- plus the juries sometimes get overly liberal), and other slaps on the hand. Now self defense of home/business if its a justifiable shoot, you will not get charged. But with both there is no civil immunity, but this is the same in PA as well.

    As to how you will feel later? If its scum you should not feel bad for the scum so much, but you WILL feel terrible that any of it happened at all. I admit I do feel bad at times when I kill foxes and raccoons, but if they are being pests and destroying things and exclusion isn't working, then f-them. Of course they are animals, not people...not so easy to compare, even if the street thug or whatever they were was a waste of life who raped old ladies.

    Now to the thug mentality- a good deal of them are no better than rabid animals. They are selfish, stupid, arrogant, and some are true sociopaths. No one ever taught them right from wrong, all they know is might=right. They don't know who their dads are and mom might be a drug addict or crazy. They have had no positive role models and are permiated in a culture of " me me me" and "dis me, I'll cap yo ass". The rules of the hard streets are like rules of the jungle, a jungle filled with berserker predators. Not saying that all of these criminals are like this, but many of them are, or they get worst as they get older. These kids are not always drug addicts either, they may be casual users. They just feel that they can take what they want and f-you. If they need a car, they steal 1. If they want some drugs, steal the money or steal something they can get money for. Heck if they want your 100.00 shoes, they will jack you for them. Some will kill for 5.00 or just for fun or to get street cred. However probably most are not so hardcore and are just trying to look cool with their buddies, but how can you know which type they are?

    It sounds like the ones the OP encountered are the rougher badder type. First he makes eye contact letting them know " I see you and am watching you", yet they still come. Then he runs from them and they shoot at him and give chase! They were some serious thugsters. They were not nice kids that oopsed by mistake or were trying to impress their friends! They could very well have robbed him, then shot him in the head and ran off while laughing.

    I encountered some B-mo thugs one night walking my dog. They could have pulled guns on me, fired at me, done all sorts of nasty things, but they didn't. These kids were not hardcore thugs, or they would have done more than do a stare down with me. I faced them and put on a "I dare you" air. I had the dog, but a dog is not a gun. Sure the dog was weird looking and weighed 75 pounds lean, but again they could have shot the dog. Is it possible my body language scared these kids? Was it merely the dog? Was it me putting my hand under my jacket as if I had a gun under there? Was it me being a wolverine and facing a group of grizzlies, or was I a wolverine facing a bunch of cowardly, though menacing looking, coyotes? Was something supernatural watching over me? Now keep in mind I was in MY territory, and the OP was in an unfamiliar place. But I was a 120 pound 20 year old woman with a dog vs a small group of teenage thugs on a not so well lit back street on the very border of the better neighborhood and the rotten one.

    I also had a scary encounter at age 19 in broad daylight in a Chicago park on a wooded trail, and I sensed those kids were MUCH more badass than any I saw in Baltimore. They however did not shoot at me or follow me. I was VERY lucky, and so was my at the time 6 yr cousin I was with. I must surely have something watching out for me. Or I can ooze psychotic badasseryness that thugs pick up on and it scares them. ? WTF?
    LOL, I am a woman...

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