The FIRE Institute courses for the summer are currently as follows:

The one day hand gun intro courses in April and May are completed. New ones will soon be announced for August and October. Wathch the web site for the new dates.

Some of the individuals in the one day introductory courses wanted to continue to train. Aso, a weekend-long (two day) hand gun training course is being planned, and will be held in August. Again, watch the web site for the new information

The next course will be Randy Cain's "Hand Gun 101" course, which will be held on May 24, 25 and 26. Enrollment is still open.

The PFDC one-day course on Pennsylvania law govering the use of force is then set for June 2. It is one day, in a hotel conference room.

Basic Tactical Carbine, a 3-day, comprehensive course on the use of the AR-15 platform and AK clones, is next. June 28 - 30.

For more information, and to see the rest of the 2024 schedule, go to