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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    No morre Mr. Clean.
    Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    It doesn't matter how pretty she is, if you let her out, she's not going to stop and give you a blow job.
    Same statement applies to tipping waitresses.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by EFK View Post
    No morre Mr. Clean.
    Isn't it Clea ea ea ea ean.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    I will let people out, but only if traffic is already extremely slowed or stopped. Something I've told the kids that are starting to drive. It doesn't matter how pretty she is, if you let her out, she's not going to stop and give you a blow job.
    dayumm!!! what advice will you be giving your daughter???
    Let's go Brandon!!!

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by imashooter2 View Post
    Several years ago now, I accosted a repro man in my driveway after midnight. It was pretty intense, but he became somewhat less belligerent after I produced a handgun.

    Anyway the cops were called and I learned that repo men are allowed to drive onto my property after midnight if they have reason to believe the vehicle they are after is there. That was disturbing enough, but here is the real juicy bit. The reason he gave for thinking the car might be there is because there was a license plate reader hit on the car in front of my house 4 months earlier.

    So how many cars do you suppose a police car passes in a day? How many license plates go into the database? What other information is in there? How long do they store it? How much does that cost us to maintain?

    And why the hell does a repro man have access to it to go fishing?
    I would verify this through research. LEOs are not a reliable source of information concerning the law. I am skeptical that what they told you here is true, but IANAL. If only I had a dime for every time someone told me "the law" and were flat-out wrong.

    For example, there may be a lot of nuance here. You say "drive onto my property" - they very likely have access the area considered "curtilage," as any person or LEO generally can... i.e. your driveway and primary entrance to your house. But not to, say, your backyard, (unless they can see the vehicle itself, possibly).

    One example (from PRNY) relates to DEC officers. Old timers in my hunting camp informed me that DEC officers can enter your house without a warrant to search for game/check for compliance/etc. Their source? A DEC officer. I read the actual law... they were dead wrong. The DEC officer is under the same obligations as normal police to enter your home - meaning, they need a warrant for most cases apart from, say, seeing someone getting murdered or whatever.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by Excommunicated View Post
    One very late night in a Jersey beach town, I was cruising around on my bicycle and passed a street that dead-ended into the back bay. There was a car in the middle of the street with headlights on and doors open. With nothing better to do, I circled back to investigate. It was one of the town cops strapping on license plate readers.

    I thought, "Ain't that some bullshit." People scrimp and save all year to enjoy a lousy week down the shore and these greedy yokels are out shaking them down even more for whatever violations or outstandings they can snag in the dark of night."
    Don't do the crime then you don't have to worry?

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    I use to let people out but when you go out of your way to be nice and all you get is nothing? No more mister nice guy.
    What exactly do you want, a blank check? Just be a decent person. It's free & makes the world a better place. smh...

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by TacticalSpeed View Post
    What exactly do you want, a blank check? Just be a decent person. It's free & makes the world a better place. smh...
    Bah humbug! Not me!

    Gender confusion is a mental illness

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by TacticalSpeed View Post
    What exactly do you want, a blank check? Just be a decent person. It's free & makes the world a better place. smh...
    An acknowledgement, a thank you is all.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Female road-rager fires shot at passing driver in ChesCo

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    I use to let people out but when you go out of your way to be nice and all you get is nothing? No more mister nice guy.
    I am more careful about letting people out nowadays, due to an incident years ago.

    I was in a long line waiting for a traffic light far ahead, and there was someone trying to get out of a parking lot to go the other direction. I gave him space and waved for him to pull out in front of me. The problem was, he took my wave as "you're all clear, go" as opposed to "pull out in front of me, then when it is clear, pull into the other lane." He was inches away from getting t-boned as a result. While I don't think it was my fault, I nonetheless felt terrible.

    So, now I only do the same when it is clear for the person to pull out into the oncoming lane.

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