Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Sad news indeed, RIP.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    RIP Mr Stolfer. You were a fighter for our gun right in many ways.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    I logged in recently & stumbled across Knights signature line and see several good men I've broke bread with many times including Dalton's Picnics, rallies in HBG and Open Carry at Gettysburg National Park, went to the Capitol and engaged Legislatures, have passed. Quite the shock... all good, solid men and honorable Citizens. Though wanting to say something, I didn't. Today, well, kinda hard to miss the news of Kim's passing. Rest Easy Marine...You Sir are the epitome of what a good Citizen is!


  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Very sad news. He will be missed by us all.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Here’s to Kim! We should all be very grateful and certainly have benefited from his efforts.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Isnt Kim the one that did a lot of good fighting for gun rights, then turned on us all and joined forces with Shapiro to promote Eagle Arms banning 80% lowers at the shows.
    Shame he lost his way at towards the end, certainly helped all of us earlier in his career.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Rest in peace.
    Aggies Coach Really ??? Take off the tin foil bro.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    On this link is a thread from 2012 discussing Kim Stolfer health and then desperate need of Liver transplant

    Kim Needs YOUR Help right NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by WOP2 View Post
    Kim's transplant surgery was performed on Friday, 19 April, and the initial reports are simply marvelous. The liver is functioning very well, and the doctors and staff are thrilled with the match. Obviously, due to the HIPPA laws, nobody has much detail, but the donor organ was described as "pristine", a "perfect fit" so far as size is concerned, and the surgery was said to have been "textbook". Indeed, it appears Kim is due to be released from hospital in a far shorter time period than one generally sees. .

    I visited in the hospital right after that liver transplant operation on April 19, 2013

    Kim told me then that he now has two birth days and his 2nd one was April 19 it also happen to be Patriots Day as shot heard around the world on April 19, 1775.

    Kim also told me back then with liver transplant at his age, IF he made it 10 years he would be beating the odds well his missed his 10 year 2nd B-DAY by just 4 days.

    I first met Kim 30 decades ago, he inspired me to personally involved in politics, I traveled with Kim thousands of miles all across PA to gun clubs or other speaking events over the decades, with so many 8+ hour rounds trips traveling to HBG for lobbying for 2nd A, I couldn't even count.

    I and Others were in the trenches at many of the political battles, was present at many of the defeats and at the few victories we have had over the years I had know Kim, always inspiring US.

    In the old days 1990's, We used to have a phone tree alert system, from numbers of activist we gather at FTF event. IF something effect 2nd A at state or Feds level we had list of phone number we had call individuals, who was assigned to call other individuals etc, much like the horse back rider alert system the colonist used on April 18 1775 had to sent riders out to alert people of impending government actions to prepared for battle on a minutes notice.
    We also used snail mail fliers as alerts, then with technology advances we had fax machines and early cell phones, all prior to the internet and social media. Or any of the other rapid two way communication we all use today.

    Almost NO ONE on this forum or for that matter almost no gun owners in the entire commonwealth of PA have ANY IDEA of a clue with the hundred of thousands of hours & out of his pocket expenses Kim Stolfer dedicated to protecting & enhancement what now is remaining firearm rights we have left in PA in 30 plus years of service to honor his oath to protect the constitution from both foreign and domestic enemies.

    With out leaders like Kim Stolfer constantly rallying troops to fight the never ending battle of the cause in PA, long ago we would have become like many of the surrounding states have with oppressive gun control laws.

    We all owe Kim a great debt that none of us will ever be able to pay for Kim sacrifice to the cause of Freedom he personally paid for all US.

    I Sincerely hope & pray some of you NOW step up, to be counted and fill in the ranks of lobbing & fighting to protect your firearm rights or in a few more election cycles PA could (will) have the same oppressive gun control laws, that some of you fled from to come to PA.

    Think major gun legislation to ban guns can’t happen here in PA?

    you all better reconsider.... when they got the votes for passage, there will be nothing to stop them, just look what is happening in other states right now.

    IF the plandemic of 2020 & surrounding events has not taught you a lesson of government overreach & infringement to take advantage of a good crisis, you have not been paying attention.

    GET personally Involved to fight for your rights, not relying on just some big name group to do your fighting instead, NO YOU personally need to get in the fight for the cause you believe in so strongly, don’t expect someone or some group to care more than you do.

    Honor People’s like Kim’s Stolfer sacrifice, by stepping up and doing your part to fight for the future!
    Get involved for your future, your children's and grandchildren's rights & future sake, as its not just about you.

    Learn how to really SUPPORT the 2nd Amendment cause Go To

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Rest in Peace, Patriot. Kim was one of the good guys for sure!

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Kim Stolfer, A Pennsylvania Gun Rights Champion, has passed away

    Sad news, indeed. Thanks for sharing, Dan, and for the backstory. RIP Activist/Kim.

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