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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    Actor was filming low budget movie and was given BB gun as a prop. Of course, he didn't have the golden NJ carry permit, so he's in some trouble. He'd better get to Chris Christie right away so he can get off the hook and Chris Christie has another talking point in his White House run.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    I all but just peed myself laughing.

    is the gofundme to buy Christie kreme some doughnuts?
    There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy - Dante.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    Comment on the page:

    Scott Vega 13 hours ago

    So Carlo, what do you think of NJ gun laws? Anti-Gun laws in general? How do you feel about Prez Obama who says we need more gun laws? How do you feel about the NRA? Do you know the NRA sees this as an injustice and is pleading your case?
    Yeah, it WOULD be interesting to know the fellow's views on guns in general.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    Its a felony to have in your possession a slingshot in nj, I'm quite sure
    having a bb gun in your possession is an automatic life sentence.

    F/O nj.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    This is why I left NJ. It has become a "progressive" socialist hellhole. I listened to the video of some film industry reporter/commentator that was on the go fund me page you linked to. The reporter guy ranted on about the irresponsible action of the movie producer who abandoned his actor to his fate. The reporter has a point there, and I agree with him. The reporter said that he hoped that reduced sentencing guidelines proposed by Christie would help reduce the time served by the actor -- to make the punishment fit the "crime". "Crime", really Mr. Reporter? Never though did the reporter attack the insanity of the NJ gun laws or the insanity of the prosecutors who, individually devoid of even a lick of commons sense, prosecute these cases with the same or even greater rigor than is applied to hard core criminal felons (who often get free legal aid and the sympathy of liberal Democrat judges). The reporter never mentions that the NJ gun laws are the way they are because NJ Democrat politicians are single handedly responsible for them. Why is the reporter silent on these points? I speculate he is silent because the reporter agrees with the Democrats and their laws and is, were he to be asked, all-in on eviscerating the Second Amendment because that is how the media lines up. Hopefully Christie will commute the guy's sentence in the end. But he cannot intervene in the proceedings. If the guy is lucky he will get that pre-trial intervention treatment. But Woodbridge and Middlesex County are Democrat strongholds, so the local politics favor relentless prosecution of any purported violation of NJ gun laws.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    Christie will not do crap for this guy. The guy from Colorado with the handguns in his trunk was a one-off due to all the constant publicity. Christie's new policies only apply to people from outside NJ, because he got so much pressure from AGs, press, and people he thinks might actually vote for him for president (not New Jersey).

    I wish the guy the best, but I'm not doing anything for him, either. What a dope.

    My name is Carlo Bellario I am a professional stand up comedian/actor.. I am here on Go Fund Me today for assistance with a incident that occurred to me on November 16th of 2015.

    In between comedy gigs I sometimes take on acting roles. I joined a group on Facebook that posts casting calls. So I saw a post for a movie called Vendetta Games looking for henchman type bodyguards for a drug dealer. So I submitted for the role and got casted. I was to report to the set in Woodbridge N.J it was a small independant film produced by a college student. There was no pay but I was to receive a copy of the film & credit on IMDB... So the scene called for me and another guy to be in a simulated car chase scene and I was to be shooting at the car in front of me. So we filmed the scene in a residential area of Woodbridge, and as soon as we returned from the shooting the scene , the set was surrrounded by police cars. Apparently residents in the neighborhood phoned the police and told them that there was a two guys driving around waving a gun out of the window. Now I understand that residents did not realize we were shooting a movie and understand why the police were called, and I cannot fault the cops either due to the fact that they are getting a call and have no idea what the situaution is.

    When the police arrived we attempted to explain to them that this is a movie shoot, and that the gun was a prop. After several minutes of questioning everyone the police had determined that the producer & director neither had a film permit nor did they have a permit for the prop gun which turned out to be an air soft pellet pistol. I was the only one arrested that day for possesion of a handgun, and now face up to 5 years of prison,. I spent 4 days in jail at Middlesex County Jail until my family was able to post bond for me. The producer of the movie told my family that he would indeed bail me out but when he found out the bail was 10,000 he declined to help and left me there and left my family frantic as to how to arrange bail and get me released. He ignored my family's phone calls & subsequently my family had to lay out over 4,500 thus far for the bail bondsman and other expenses.

    So I am humbly asking that anyone who is in the entertainment industry, to please contribute as little as $1... I understand that this time is tough for everyone financially. But if you are unable to donate, please consider sharing it with others who you may feel can help.

    As actors we all want to work and get ourselves exposure but we also need to hold the industry to higher standard as well and serve as a valuable to not let what happened to me happen to other actors.

    I have several attorneys who want to help and see me through this situation but it will involve a lengthy legal process which will incure a huge amount of fees.

    I am highly embarrassed that I am here asking for help like this but I am out of options and my friends, family, and peers are my last hope.

    If anyone knows of an attorney who is willing to take the case PRO BONO please contact me.

    Due to the nature of this charge I cannot leave the state or travel as I often do for my comedy gigs.

    Thank You for taking the time to read my story.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    On top of a hill, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    Quote Originally Posted by Wilderness 1864 View Post
    This is why I left NJ. It has become a "progressive" socialist hellhole. I listened to the video of some film industry reporter/commentator that was on the go fund me page you linked to. The reporter guy ranted on about the irresponsible action of the movie producer who abandoned his actor to his fate. The reporter has a point there, and I agree with him. The reporter said that he hoped that reduced sentencing guidelines proposed by Christie would help reduce the time served by the actor -- to make the punishment fit the "crime". "Crime", really Mr. Reporter? Never though did the reporter attack the insanity of the NJ gun laws or the insanity of the prosecutors who, individually devoid of even a lick of commons sense, prosecute these cases with the same or even greater rigor than is applied to hard core criminal felons (who often get free legal aid and the sympathy of liberal Democrat judges). The reporter never mentions that the NJ gun laws are the way they are because NJ Democrat politicians are single handedly responsible for them. Why is the reporter silent on these points? I speculate he is silent because the reporter agrees with the Democrats and their laws and is, were he to be asked, all-in on eviscerating the Second Amendment because that is how the media lines up. Hopefully Christie will commute the guy's sentence in the end. But he cannot intervene in the proceedings. If the guy is lucky he will get that pre-trial intervention treatment. But Woodbridge and Middlesex County are Democrat strongholds, so the local politics favor relentless prosecution of any purported violation of NJ gun laws.
    NJ hasn't become anything, it always has been.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    I thought movies being produced were required to get permits to film and let the police know they would be doing such things on public roads? Not only should this guy be prosecuted but probably the rest that setup of the filming should be too.
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    I thought movies being produced were required to get permits to film and let the police know they would be doing such things on public roads? Not only should this guy be prosecuted but probably the rest that setup of the filming should be too.
    This^^^^ but what do you exspect from todays college idiots, they know everything.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Aspiring actor facing prison time for bb gun

    The whole story sounds retarded from start to Finnish. I guess I will have to check out the NJ gun forums too see if there is any further info to this. If it's all true then this guys best bet is to contact NJ101.5 radio try to get an interview set up and get the word out.

    This is a perfect example of why all people regardless if you own or even like firearms need to understand the laws of their state and make sure they are fair and just so innocent and uneducated people like this don't end up becoming felons for life.

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