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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    I do understand why you are doing it. What I don't understand is how you all can fail to see that it isn't working. It isn't going to work. Do you enjoy banging your heads against walls?

    I have no issue with trying to change the process...but the issue is continuing to do something you know will not work then complain about it.

    FYI: Upper Merion does not charge. My brother got his done there in the past few months (end of '12 I believe.) I just spoke with him to confirm, and the only fee he paid was to the sheriff for the LTCF.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    LOWER Merion does charge, $25, according to user Bell-X1.

    Regardless, it's bullshit to make us do that, and it's bullshit that you can't see that it's bullshit and stop pissing in the cornflakes of those of us who don't want to put up with the bullshit.

    Go troll an Anti forum.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    Not trolling here. Just because I have a low post count does not mean that I do not know what I am talking about or that I am here to cause problems. I am just tired of seeing the same old posts with different names all with the same results. I am trying to make you all see that there has to be an actual effective way to fix this.

    I have never stated that I think it is right what the sheriff's office is asking to be done. Only that you will not fix it by making them do the check. It states right on the instruction form that it is optional. If they have to do it, it is going to take longer.

    Again, I don't think this is right, but let's discuss the appropriate way to make the change. Again, they give no fucks if you want to play bad ass and make them do the check. What don't you grasp about this?

    I do not disagree with your issue, only your way of addressing it!

    Call me a sheep, tell me to bend over, whatever smack talk you want. I will be carrying my weapon while you wait for the sheriff to smack your hand for 45 days (or longer as it seem has occurred.) When you realize that there is a better way to go about correcting this violation or your rights, then, and only then, will you actually make an impact.

    BTW: U mad brah?

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    You win, let's just give them a handy j behind the counter and pretend that this county is like the rest of the state.

    Because playing nice won't do shit either, brah.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    So, is the solution to just sit around and hope and pray that the sheriff will approve your application to be allowed to have your rights?

    When I went to do this procedure last summer, it was ridiculous, involved quite a lot of battling, I went the very very long way, but the card is right here in my wallet, and I got my way. I had to pay the police check fee, here in my town. They took some 2 weeks to send in the card. I went down with my application. The deputy there refused my application, because I did not choose to provide my employer's name or two names I got from the phone book of persons who own and/or operate telephones. After my lawyer got involved, and after a personal interview with the sheriff, I got my LTCF without providing either of the pieces of information I chose not to provide. My argument was that neither was of any consequence to whether or not I was legally eligible under the statute to carry a concealed firearm. Apparently, as evidenced by the card, the sheriff agreed. Or printed the card just to shut me up. Either way, doing it the hard way is the right way.

    Allowing the government to stomp on you because the law says so, or the form says so, or the sign says so, well that's just ridiculous. Not every law is 100% correct, not every form is 100% correct, not every sign is 100% correct.

    As many others pointed out, other counties don't seem to have any trouble issuing the LTCF as a walk-in walk-out procedure in under half an hour. Why is the Montco sheriff's office so incompetent that they require the full 45 days to do the leg work? Why is it that 20$ paid to the local police can turn 45 days into 14 days? As far as the statute is concerned, a PICS check should return the correct answer to the satisfaction of that statute. If you cannot pass a PICS check, you cannot get the LTCF, and if you can pass a PICS check, you can get a LTCF. I pass a PICS check once a month at least, in the course of buying firearms. Heck, if retired police officers get a pass on gun laws, I should be able to present my DD 214 instead of my LTCF and be done with it.

    After my dealings with and discussions with the Montco sheriff, I am a supporter of hers. She has done a good job undoing a lot of the ridiculous archaic policies handwritten by her longtime predecessor. She is following the law to an extent, and does have an interest in supporting our rights. That said, all politicians (even the sheriff, when an elected official, is a politician first and foremost, and don't ever let one lie to you and say otherwise) are politicians, and all of them have overlords and agendas, and they will all bend you over if you offer.

    Remember, we are the ones who are in charge of them, not the other way around. They get their power from us, not the other way around. When a bureaucrat makes up steps to get around the law, or makes up steps to collect more money in exchange for following the law, it is our job, our duty, to call them out. When they cannot read and obey the statutes, it is our duty to call them out for it. Even if it's a bit of an inconvenience. Imagine where we'd all be if the founding fathers preferred to just watch American Idol instead.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    Nobody was suggesting sexual is kind of strange that you would bring that up. Trying to talk to you people is futile at best. You take a suggestion of trying to find a better way to change the system to mean that I think things are being done right or that I have suggested that we start giving back alley hand jobs out?

    I have repeatedly stated just the opposite. I agree the process is wrong. How hard is that to understand. All you are doing is spewing hate from your keyboards and not looking at what is being written. Read what is written here and you will see I am on your side that change needs to be made. What efforts have been made other than passive aggressive acts toward the sheriff's office?

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    Quote Originally Posted by fortysix View Post
    So, is the solution to just sit around and hope and pray that the sheriff will approve your application to be allowed to have your rights?
    Nope...not suggesting sitting around and hoping. Though, this is what you are all doing. Sitting around, typing, and hoping that someday they will get the point. Contact the sheriff, contact your local legislators, contact the Governor for goodness sake. This current method is as useless as sitting around. I am glad you got your LTCF "your way." My way was to get it quickly, so I did what was asked of me to get it done quickly.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamtommyboy View Post
    Nope...not suggesting sitting around and hoping. Though, this is what you are all doing. Sitting around, typing, and hoping that someday they will get the point. Contact the sheriff, contact your local legislators, contact the Governor for goodness sake. This current method is as useless as sitting around. I am glad you got your LTCF "your way." My way was to get it quickly, so I did what was asked of me to get it done quickly.
    If the guy behind the counter asked you to fellate him, quickly, is that ok?

    Part of oppression is making things uncomfortable, until they become comfortable, then moving the bar a little. A lot of the guys here who post about their problems are seeking advice. Sure, you can just get mad and send off a mad email to random people at .gov email addresses. It's a lot more effective to get advice from those who have done it before, who know who to contact, etc. I posted here when I had trouble with the process, got a reply, and the rest was history. Don't mistake seeking advice for whining.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    Quote Originally Posted by fortysix View Post
    If the guy behind the counter asked you to fellate him, quickly, is that ok?

    Part of oppression is making things uncomfortable, until they become comfortable, then moving the bar a little. A lot of the guys here who post about their problems are seeking advice. Sure, you can just get mad and send off a mad email to random people at .gov email addresses. It's a lot more effective to get advice from those who have done it before, who know who to contact, etc. I posted here when I had trouble with the process, got a reply, and the rest was history. Don't mistake seeking advice for whining.
    Again, not interested in giving sexual favors. I don't know why a few of you seem to have an obsession with this. If I was asked to give a hand job or blow job by one of the sheriff's deputies, I would refuse (much as you all have done with your police check cards) and then look elsewhere to ensure that this person was dealt with accordingly. I would contact his superiors, then their superiors and so on and so forth until something was done to correct the problem. Just refusing to play by his rules isn't going to fix anything. He will just ask the next person for that favor.

    However, you all still must not be reading. I agree that the process is wrong. I do not agree with your method of resolving it. I am not suggesting sending angry emails, rather well thought out and researched inquiries to legislators and such. Maybe get the NRA involved? If your advice to these folks is to continue to resist in the same manner as you all have been doing for years, then you are wrong. There has been no budging. You have not made the sheriff's office uncomfortable. What don't you understand about that?

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Problems getting a LTCF at Montco Sheriff?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamtommyboy View Post
    What don't you understand about that?
    Don't you have a bridge to crawl back under?
    Brian - US Navy Retired - If you aren't having fun doing it, find something else to do.

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