Quote Originally Posted by DukeConnor View Post
Sounds like you are trying to cover up a conspiracy.
Or expose one. False news and people pretending to be far right (but being payed by the far left) is everywhere. If I was a moderate and was interested in learning about firearms when I came here I would think gun owners are mostly paranoid conspiracy theorists. Not too long ago we were talking about a death ray that incinerated thousands of school children. And if you didn't believe it you were either a sheep or in on the conspiracy.

Is this how we want to represent rational gun owners? Poofa has lost its way from its original goal.

About Us

The Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association is a grass-roots non-profit organization created with the goal of preserving the individual right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by Article 1, Section 21 of Pennsylvania Constitution and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Our Philosophy

The Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association firmly believes that the individual's right to keep and bear arms is the most basic human right of a self-reliant and free society.
Whether one's reason for owning a firearm is hunting, self-defense, recreation, competition, collection, or any other peaceful reason the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association fully supports that choice.

Our Method

It's not uncommon that many of our ideas can be found in the words of our founding fathers and our methodology is no exception. We believe that making information available to everyone is the best method of achieving our goals.

Firearm safety information can help to reduce the number of accidental firearm injuries.
Legal information can help to prevent law-abiding people from accidentally running afoul of the thousands of firearm laws.
Historical information can help us understand the significance of the individual right to keep and bear arms.
Statistical information can help us understand the net-positive impact privately owned firearms have on our society.

With the invention of the Internet the ease at which information can be disseminated increased greatly so when we started our organization our focus was on maximizing our utilization of this medium through our website and our discussion forum.