I was a recent victim of firearm theft, reported on February 1st, 2019 11:00 pm to my local precinct. My firearm was stolen from my vehicle and I reported the incident upon the discovery of said theft. I agreed to be interviewed by Detective S to file a report, and was subsequently asked to return to retrieve my belongings left at his desk. I returned to the precinct February 3rd, 2019 1:30 am and to my surprise, Detective S asked for my LTCF and informed me that he will be confiscating it. I did not receive a property receipt for this confiscation nor any written pertinent information. I had stated my position that I did not lose my firearm due to negligence, it was intentinally stolen in an act of vehicular burglary. But the Detective maintained his position that I was not fit to continue carrying.

According to John Doe, et al., v. City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas docket no. 121203785, order by Judge Jacqueline Allen:

“The City will not confiscate an LTCF or firearm, unless there is probable cause that the LTCF or firearm is evidence of a crime. In the event an LTCF or firearm is confiscated, the officer must immediately provide a property receipt, which shall include the pertinent information”

Any members here have experienced this? I’ve already contacted the Police Commissioner, City Council member, Mayor’s Office and my local precinct. Waiting for a response. I’m ready to file a suit in Court of Common Pleas, if you have any information on how that can be done or how I can possibly get my LTCF back that would be greatly appreciated.