Seems like a good bill, but it got botched by Philthy Democrats.

Anti-Gun Amendments Added to Senate Bill 383 Permitting Teachers to Carry Firearms in Pennsylvania

Although Senator White’s Office – the Prime Sponsor of SB 383 – stated on Monday that there was no longer an ability to amend SB 383 in relation to the issues I previously raised, yesterday, Philadelphia Democratic Senator Sharif Street added several anti-gun and anti-right amendments to SB 383, as initially reported by PennLive, which passed, 49-1. You can find a current version of SB 383 with the amendments here and a listing of all the Senators that voted for it here.

The amendment, inter alia, requires disclosure of all school personnel permitted access to local law enforcement and disclosure to parents that there are school personnel who are permitted access to firearms; thereby, once again, violating the confidentiality of 18 Pa.C.S. §§ 6111(g)(3.1) and (i) and failing to address the maintaining, access and disclosing of that information held by the police department.

Moreover, it requires any school personnel wishing to be authorized to carry a firearm to undergo a psychological examination and seemingly provide such to the school district in violation of HIPAA and for which, as I explained previously, there exists no safeguards on the maintaining, access and disclosing of those reports. This would also constitute a violation of Article 2, Section 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, as it constitutes an impermissible delegation of authority to a psychologist to determine fitness.

For all of the above reasons, I am asking you to contact your State Senator and tell him/her to oppose SB 383.