From TTAG:

It Should Have Been A Defensive Gun Use: Indianapolis Pizza Delivery Edition

By Robert Farago on February 4, 2014

“And some actually carry a gun,” the news anchor tells viewers, his voice heavy with incredulity. What’s with the surprise? As the report points out, some Indianapolis-area pizza delivery dudes were tooled-up long before two of their colleagues were mowed down. Would 30-year-old Papa John’s employee Daniel Jaffke still be alive if he’d been exercising his natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms while shuttling pies? Ditto John Sullivan? Hard to say, but I wouldn’t want to leave this world without a fighting chance. And now, thanks to the media coverage, bad guys know that Papa John’s and Pizza Hut drivers are unarmed, by company fiat. I bet Aunt Polly’s drivers have better odds of survival, now. See how that works?

So, Pizza Hut & Papa John's require that their drivers be unarmed, and Aunt Polly's encourages their drivers to carry. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess which ones the thugs call.