I have gotten two tickets for speeding and both times I have had guns in the car.

The first time was the day before deer season. The cop was pretty nice about the whole situation and asked me to roll the gun over so that he could see it was unloaded. ....END of that encounter

Second time was this summer. I had a rifle in a locked case on my back seat of my my civic. The cop didn't see the gun until he was about to walk back to his cruiser to write me a ticket. He was like "is that a rifle in that case" to which I replied "yes". He promply got all scared and told me "not to make any moves towards the rifle" in a pretty loud and obnoxious tone.

What should i have said to the guy? I mean I really wasn't going to try to pull out the gun case on the side of the road,unlock it, load a few rounds and then try to put one through his front windshield.

What do you think would have happened if I had said something like "officer I don't think that gun is big enough for shooting pigs".