Didn't know what forum to put this in, so I'll throw it here to be moved if necessary.

Something I just wrote, with some editing and a bit of added material (it is significantly shorter than my usual writings on issues) I might send it to some news outlets.

'Don't lie for the other guy'; are you listening Mr. Holder?

I've noticed several new billboards in my area, and advertisements on the radio, all part of a joint program to spread education about straw purchasing to the general public.

The main message? Straw purchasing, buying a gun for someone who can't, can land you "ten years in jail", so in other words "don't lie for the other guy" who can't buy the gun legally.

According to the website www.dontlie.org "Don't Lie for the Other Guy was developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation ... in coordination with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives." Clearly I am supposed to believe that the BATFE takes straw purchasing so seriously that those caught doing such criminal acts will face ten years in jail.

Of course this seems to be a "do as we say, not as we do" campaign. Given the astonishing number of firearms the BATFE has illegally trafficked into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, surely a lot of people are being put away for a very long time, right? Well, no. Apparently seeking prosecutions for those responsible for implementing and executing a straw purchasing scheme so vast that it has led to horrid crimes, with the body count in the hundreds, is simply not worth the effort.

So please turn a blind eye to the gun-running the BATFE engages in, since it appears that it is only the straw purchasing that they don't approve that they care about. Also take note that our government seems to have a loose definition of what lying truly means, just ask our Attorney General Eric Holder who has defined lying this way as he covers for the BATFE's illegal gun-running, "it all has to do with your state of mind, and whether or not you had the requisite intent to come up with something that can be considered perjury or a lie."

Of course that definition only applies if you are a government employee caught in a deadly and illegal gun-running scheme. I only wonder when the BATFE, other involved agencies, and our own Justice Department will stop lying to us to cover for themselves.

-David R Green
Feel free to pass it around, although I would appreciate citing the source if you do.