Me and my girlfriends father dropped my deer off at Skavatos Deer Processing monday night. We used his navigation system to find it and it got us their without a problem. So today they call me and tell me it's done. So i went up alone and my navigation system took me to some house? Not Skavatos Deer Processing. It's in montrose, does anyone know how to get there from rout 167? I have to go back and try to find it tomarow. I would have tryed to find it today once I was up in the area but they closed at noon today and I ran out of time before I could find it. If anyone has any info on how to get there from state rout 167, or from the mcdonalds in Montrose that would be great. I stopped at the mcdonalds on my way home from trying to find it today. So the mcdonalds in Montrose is as close as I can get to it before I have no idea where I am, lol. Any help would be great! Thank you!