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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Electronic cigarette

    I'm sure many of you have never even heard of an electronic cigarette or have any idea on what I am talking about so I will try to explain it the best I can.

    I started smoking when I was 13 or 14 (horrible choice I know) and I am now 19. I have been smoking a pack + per day for years. I tried to quit a few times, but it was just way to hard to keep off of them.

    One day I heard about an electronic cigarette and started looking more into it. About a week or so of reading I thought what the hell and I ordered one.

    Most electronic cigarettes have 3 different parts. A battery, an atomizer (heating coil) and a mouth piece. Most of the batteries are activated by a sucking motion as in taking a hit of a normal cigarette. Once the battery is going it heats up the heating coil that has liquid nicotine on it. That liquid is turned into vapor and you inhale as you would on a normal cigarette.

    Most liquid is made up of 3 things. Propylene glycol, liquid nicotine and some sort of artificial flavoring. Everything I had read about this liquid said it was 100% safe and I found very large forum dedicated to electronic cigarettes with a great deal of info there. (

    I ordered my first e-cigarette and couldn't wait to try it. As soon as I got it in the mail I started using it that day. First thoughts were good, but It still wasn't taking away the craving for a real cigarette. I cut down from a pack to day to maybe 10 a day. I still wanted to stop 100% though.

    I figured I would try a different model e-cigarette and see how that went. I heard many good things about the model and did my research before I placed an order. Then I waited around some more for that to come. I am way to impatient, but man was it worth the wait. The very FIRST day I got the new one in I have not had another normal cigarette.

    I have been smoke free for about 7 months now. Now it's not the exact same thing as smoking a normal cigarette and you do have to get used to it, but once you do it's just an amazing product.

    The liquid comes in different strengths of nicotine from 0mg/ml to 36mg/ml. I read its best to start out around 10-12mg and thats what I did. I started using the 12mg stuff and it worked fine I didn't have the need to smoke a normal cigarette anymore. Once I started using only the e-cigarette 100% of the time I started to cut down on the nicotine levels. I went from 12mg to 8,6, then zero. I kept using the 0mg for about a week and then I quit everything all together.

    While cleaning the other day I found my old e-cig and I thought about what to do with it. I could try selling it to get some of my money back which these things aren't to cheap. I paid around $100 for everything. My other option was to come here to place where I have spent way too many hours of reading, but I also have gained a wealth of information that I couldn't have got anywhere else.

    So I decided to give it away to someone who would like to quit smoking as an experiment of sorts. I want to see if it works for someone else the way it did for me. I would prefer to do it FTF in the Pittsburgh area as I don't want to pay for shipping. Then we can follow the progress in this thread to see if it helps you quit also.

    If you are successful and want to throw a few $ my way I wouldn't complain but it is not required at all. I just want someone else who tried to quit over and over a chance at something that might just work.

    I have been browsing the site for quite awhile now just never really posted anything so this is my way of giving back. Just post here or shoot me a PM if you would like to give it a shot. The only thing I ask is you commit 100% to trying to quit.

    Sorry for such a long post

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Latrobe, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Electronic cigarette

    This is Rudy's wife. He showed me your post today and I would be very interested in trying your e-cig. My kids and husband have been after me for quite a while to quit smoking and I know it's something I must do-But I need HELP!! I heard of this e-cig on the radio one day and the ad offered for the first 100 callers to receive a free kit. I tried to call but was on the line too long and my cell went dead.
    I live in the Greensburg area and would prob not be able to meet FTF; however, I would be happy to send a money order if you find out how much shipping is. Unless you are ever out in this area.
    If this works for me as well as it worked for you, I'd also be happy to pass it on to someone else who is struggling with this addiction.
    Let me know
    Vicci (Rudy's wife)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    (Philadelphia County)
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    Default Re: Electronic cigarette

    I just saw these things. For those who do not know? willshow you what it is.

    I do not even smoke but I want one of these!! It looks so cool. Lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Electronic cigarette

    Quote Originally Posted by RUDY850 View Post
    This is Rudy's wife. He showed me your post today and I would be very interested in trying your e-cig. My kids and husband have been after me for quite a while to quit smoking and I know it's something I must do-But I need HELP!! I heard of this e-cig on the radio one day and the ad offered for the first 100 callers to receive a free kit. I tried to call but was on the line too long and my cell went dead.
    I live in the Greensburg area and would prob not be able to meet FTF; however, I would be happy to send a money order if you find out how much shipping is. Unless you are ever out in this area.
    If this works for me as well as it worked for you, I'd also be happy to pass it on to someone else who is struggling with this addiction.
    Let me know
    Vicci (Rudy's wife)
    I guess I can find out shipping costs or we can meet somewhere half way and work out something reasonable for gas. Something like $10 would be fine. I would rather do it in person so I can go over how everything works and how to refill the carts.

    For anyone else interested in getting the same model that worked for me I will put a link down below. It is a bit pricey at around $80 for a starter kit new, but it was worth every penny for me.

    I do not work for this company this is just where I ordered mine from.

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