Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Oley, Pennsylvania
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    Wink Sarcastic Questions...

    I like to think that I'm a nice guy, but 60+ hour work weeks and a busted camera have left me in a debative mood with no one around to vent to.
    So I have a few questions that keep running laps in my head and perhaps through the great message board ranting genre, I can release my inner discontent.

    Why do we continually use words derived from the Soviet Union?
    Political Correctness, Zero Tolerance, Political Ramification,ect.

    If those aren't communist or socialist ideals than perhaps I need to hit the books again. But they all seem to go against any free ideals or thought and perpetuate a myth that we must only say and do things that the goverment would approve of or that will not offend anyone. I cannot stand these terms and have refused to say them for a while but everytime I hear them mentioned within the press my skin crawls. There is a big difference between speaking kindly and affluently, and these ideals that restrict the mind.

    Since when is it a Right, to not be offended?

    I am offended at the most obscure sight of Ted Kennedy and yet he is still allowed on the news. I get offended by lots of stuff but that doesn't mean that all those things must cease to exist. I don't understand how people have gotten so full of themselves as to actually suggest that something stop being just because they don't like it.

    Tactical advantage...

    How do I even begin? The repetitive use of the word is enough to sour the minds and faces of a thousand gun enthusiasts and yet the word has more play than Riley Cote. I think this word is most used to describe a situation that in most cases will never exist. The ninja fantisy that someone will be at a 7-11 and Rob, the no goods deeds done lately criminal will come waltzing into a store and stand patiently at the counter with a gat in his right hand and a bag with a giant $ print in the other while this tacti-cool fella walks out from behind the slushy stand and saves the day by reaching into his waste band to pull out the gun he so cleverly hid two inches from his hoo hoo dilly.

    But yet more absurd is the thought that they will actually be the target of said criminal infraction. And as the "perp" (Term often used when describing these oh so cool encounters) Stands there with a gun jamned into the Tactically minded individual. He will simply reach for the gun that was never thought to be there and end it in a hail of holy gunfire.

    Maybe I missed something in the translation or transference of thought, but as I sift through the pools of gun knowlege thought to be the internet I see the all to common reference that people who OC will be shot instantly if someone tries to mug them.

    Has it ever occurred to them that if someone mugs them that they will have to draw on the drop? And that this scanario although survivalable has a high probability of ending in wounds on both sides?

    Finally I waited and waited and waited some more. I paid everything I could and parted with an old friend to purchase my new toy. I took lots of pictures, at the range, at home, and some epic ones for effect. I got all the information needed to do a great write up and introduce my new toy on the forum and...

    My camera breaks! So the GF says no problem we can take some money from the vacation fund since its paid for, and then we have a gift card to Best Buy and if we each chip in a little extra money we can get a new Camera because we needed one anyway.
    So after an hour online comparing and researching we head off to Best Buy. We get and play with the one we liked the most. I tell the guy this is the one and he heads to the back. Comes out with a smirk and empty hands and says "We're all out man."

    Does stuff like this happen to anyone else? Or am I just the target for some devine abuse/amusement?

    Ok I'm done, I just needed to get this off my chest. I hope some people giggled a little because this was not aimed at anyone. I frequent a lot of boards and talk to many different kinds of people and this is only a resounding complaint.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    Feel better now ??

    Marry you, and ruin it all ? I say let's play in sin. ~Michele
    Do ya like warm oil massages ?~Me
    As long as it's gun oil.~Michele

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Reading, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    Sucks man, hope life improves soon.

    On an unrelated note, I cant wait to use my new camera. Guy at Best Buy said it was the last one they had in stock.

    ...oops, just lost my tactical advantage, didnt I?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    Try looking the camera up on It might be cheaper.

    And Yeah.... stuff like this happens to all of us sometimes.
    Μολὼν λάβε

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    LOL! Don't think I am laughing at you.. I am laughing with you! EVERY time my wife and I find something we like/want to buy It is either discontinued or out of stock!!!!!!!!! I am dead serious.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    there there, all ok now ?? luv ya
    Last edited by lal; April 21st, 2008 at 08:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by JDePietro View Post
    Riley Cote.
    Who is Riley Cote?

    After I asked this I looked it up. I do not follow hockey and so missed the reference.

    I did know the Penguins won 4 in a row though! I think they now have a tactical advantage
    Last edited by Tokamak; April 21st, 2008 at 10:20 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    MIA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by JDePietro View Post
    So after an hour online comparing and researching we head off to Best Buy. We get and play with the one we liked the most. I tell the guy this is the one and he heads to the back. Comes out with a smirk and empty hands and says "We're all out man."

    Does stuff like this happen to anyone else? Or am I just the target for some devine abuse/amusement?
    I got a big kick out of all of your post, because I feel your pain. But the Best Buy part is, well, the best. I wanted a large screen monitor to hook up to my computer. While down in FL last week for a week and some, I traveled 30+ miles (each way) to the closest Best Buy and bought the one that the "expert" told me was the best and would work great. It didn't.

    Back again to the store, and waited for more than an hour while the Dork Squad tried to make it work with my laptop. I had two squirmy, tired, and barely contained step grandchildren with me who are just getting to know me and Grandma Mrs. Plinker. I ended up having to return it, and then be told I would get a check mailed to my home (in PA of course) since it was paid for with a debit card.

    So take heart! You are not alone! For all the good it does.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sarcastic Questions...

    Thank you all. Those are things that just build and sometimes even just writting them out and giving other people a giggle at your torment makes you giggle and feel better.

    Got my Camera Cannon PowerShot SX100 IS its awesome!!!

    Still won't say PC or Straight edge unless I'm refering to a razor.

    And I witnessed another great example of "I shouldn't be offended."

    But all is well fellow gun buddies.

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