Congratulations Hillary Clinton.

Your plan to run a dark horse candidate to fool the masses of Elmer Fudds all across America has worked. You nearly lost it all against a crazy half-dead Democratic-Socialist, but you blithely convinced most of America that you deserve the Presidency, that "it's your time", and you aren't going to let anything stand in your way.

As The Donald destroys what is left of the GOP and conservatives are scattered to the wind, you'll enter the White House with a Congress that might be fractured but will be adamantly against you. It will be difficult for you to create a legacy, and as you're a big disappointment to 3rd-wave feminists already, you'll get to live up to be the big disappointment to the Democratic Party that most people already knew you to be.

I have to laugh as you ask me to support a RNC nominee who knows nothing about 2A issues and demonstrated zero faith in it. He lives in New York City. That's not a clue for you?

To recap:

- Not a single Democrat remaining on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
- A liberal SCOTUS that will get really liberal after we lose a huge catfight when Hillary proposes her nominee.
- Unless this shit is fixed in 2 years, the edge in Congress gets eroded.

Second amendment is poised to take a beating the next four years. A severe beating.

Thanks voters. Y'all have been great this year.
