Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Next year we have the Pa Governor's race. To avoid being the next Virginia,We need to watch out for already declared candidate Mayor Ed Pawlowski (Allentown).

    Mayor Ed Pawlowski is on Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, and he is very active in it (except right before campaign season-then you don't hear a peep out of him). Remember this coalition a few years ago did not have the word Illegal in their was Mayors against Guns. He has been active in Mayor's Against Guns for years.

    Mayor Ed Pawlowski, next year will be heavily supported by Bloomberg, in his Governor's bid.

    Ed Pawlowski would be a disaster for all owners of firearms in Pennsylvania.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Man, I've become a single issue voter lately, but this upcoming race is definitely going to leave a bad taste in my mouth.
    5.56mm, 9mm, .40SW, .44 Mag, .357 Mag, .22LR, 12GA, .45-70, 7.62x54R

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by John-Pa View Post
    Next year we have the Pa Governor's race. To avoid being the next Virginia,We need to watch out for already declared candidate Mayor Ed Pawlowski (Allentown).

    Mayor Ed Pawlowski is on Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, and he is very active in it (except right before campaign season-then you don't hear a peep out of him). Remember this coalition a few years ago did not have the word Illegal in their was Mayors against Guns. He has been active in Mayor's Against Guns for years.

    Mayor Ed Pawlowski, next year will be heavily supported by Bloomberg, in his Governor's bid.

    Ed Pawlowski would be a disaster for all owners of firearms in Pennsylvania.
    Corbett needs to be primaried out. He has zero chance of winning and a game plan needs to be in place. Maybe cuchinelli will move to PA and make a bid...
    "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    We need a GOP canidate that's has a strong personaility and a finger on the pulse of the state. Good riddance to Corbett, but if any of the potential Dems's gonna suck...hard. And not in a good way.
    5.56mm, 9mm, .40SW, .44 Mag, .357 Mag, .22LR, 12GA, .45-70, 7.62x54R

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Not a chance of Cunicelli or Rohrer or Paul or Ghost of Lincoln or Magic Fairies coming in to play via some primary miracle. Corbett is our guy and we need to rally around him or get hammered.
    We are all too stupid to see the game that is being played to marginalize us. They prop up shit candidates to pull idiots away like in VA. They try and create a divide among us by giving credibility to old washed up morons like McCain and anointing his bubble headed libtard/Rino daughter the youth movement of the party. They hand the 2016 Republican nomination to Chris Christie who may be a God-send to NJ but is a moderate Democrat at best in the rest of the country. They plant agitators at our rallies with cameras waiting, (Ask Andy Rumold and recently Chris Christie). They ridicule guys like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and label them as radicals and monsters.
    You all may shit on Corbett but I have to ask why? Did I miss the press release or Liberal propaganda? Personally I think he is alright, he may not be my dream Governor but that person is just a dream.

    P.S I'm more worried about Allyson Schwartz
    We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.-Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by 7998 View Post
    Not a chance of Cunicelli or Rohrer or Paul or Ghost of Lincoln or Magic Fairies coming in to play via some primary miracle. Corbett is our guy and we need to rally around him or get hammered.
    We are all too stupid to see the game that is being played to marginalize us. They prop up shit candidates to pull idiots away like in VA. They try and create a divide among us by giving credibility to old washed up morons like McCain and anointing his bubble headed libtard/Rino daughter the youth movement of the party. They hand the 2016 Republican nomination to Chris Christie who may be a God-send to NJ but is a moderate Democrat at best in the rest of the country. They plant agitators at our rallies with cameras waiting, (Ask Andy Rumold and recently Chris Christie). They ridicule guys like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and label them as radicals and monsters.
    You all may shit on Corbett but I have to ask why? Did I miss the press release or Liberal propaganda? Personally I think he is alright, he may not be my dream Governor but that person is just a dream.

    P.S I'm more worried about Allyson Schwartz
    I attended an in-law family function this summer. Sitting down next to me is a retired teacher. Her retired husband starts in " since we are all democrats here.....I think....etc...then his wife starts in on Corbett. I am getting all I say is "that personally, Vladamir Putin is my hero".
    Dead silence..then she storm off with parting words that Corbett is destroying Education .... in Pa. I think to myself "good riddance".
    From day 1 in office the Democrats have been indoctrinating everyone about how bad Corbett is.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    School districts and teachers always get all pissy when you don't support their desire for constant out of control spending. I would love to see SB76 pass and make them live within their means.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by PSUWaz00 View Post
    We need a GOP canidate that's has a strong personaility and a finger on the pulse of the state. Good riddance to Corbett, but if any of the potential Dems's gonna suck...hard. And not in a good way.
    Why do we need Politicians to have "strong personalities"?

    Corbett stepped up and got the big job. He's angering the right people, including vested interests who want to milk taxpayers dry.

    I have no problem with School teachers making a decent living. I have a huge problem with School Teachers retiring in their fifties, living on my tax Dollars while I toil into my dotage to give them a better income than I make now, and spending their surplus time meddling in my affairs in their "retirement".

    I am sick and tired of School Teachers treating me like one of their own students.... taking my time, the fruits of my labor and lecturing me like a dullard. What's worse than their condescension, forcing me to live in accords with their foolishness by enacting it into Law.

    Same with State Store Employees. Apologies to any here but do you need a gold plated pension when most of us are subsisting on 401Ks, which Obama or one of his successors will probably steal - for our own good of course? You all make a fair living, do you need more and more while the rest of us make do on less and less?

    In an era when Obamacare Employer Mandates are forcing more people into Part Time work, and taxes are rising along with inflation, should we tolerate these Elitists squeezing just a little bit hard so that they can continue to live in their grand styles? Retiring young, living well, with gold plated medical coverage? While the rest of us compete with Offshore labor or subsist on part time work?

    I say "NO!".

    We either step up ourselves to Help Governor Corbett do his work - with our time and money - or we accept that some Elitist who will raise taxes, infringe on our rights and spindle, fold and mutilate us will get the job.

    Plain 'n simple..... we help Mr. Corbett continue his good work or we let some meddling characters who think that they know what is best to inflict that sense upon us.
    Last edited by GeneCC; November 6th, 2013 at 09:34 PM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by dkf View Post
    School districts and teachers always get all pissy when you don't support their desire for constant out of control spending. I would love to see SB76 pass and make them live within their means.
    I'd be happy if they just acquired a fair deal instead of what they consider to be a fair deal.

    It's not being "anti-Education" to expect parity of income and pension with other professionals. Most of us do not get guaranteed benefit pensions on the taxpayer's dime and neither should they.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Pa Govenor Race 2014-Candidate Ed Pawlowski -Stand against Firearms

    Quote Originally Posted by dkf View Post
    School districts and teachers always get all pissy when you don't support their desire for constant out of control spending. I would love to see SB76 pass and make them live within their means.
    So you want the State to decide how much $$$ your kids school gets??? Our current property/school tax is less than perfect but I'd much rather my school taxes stay local..... I'd prefer to drive across town to argue for/against a new policy than have to go all the way to Harrisburg.

    SB76 is not the answer. While I agree it will be better for some but worse for others, I'd much rather have my school/property taxes be a semi-fixed price where I can plan for it in my budget.
    When you are called a racist, it just means you won an argument with an Obama supporter.

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